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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Curried goat ...your welcome .
  2. The skill and crossbones is a common theme on gravestones ,it just symbolic of death .
  3. I enjoyed his ramblings and his eccentricities ,an intelligent fella who can draw you in with an attractive writing style ,but as time went on the grossness and seedyness of some of his posts grated on me .
  4. Astanley


    Tempus fugit is right Ray ,just enjoy ,learn ,spread the love and above all be grateful . Ps Richie I'm torn about the use of the Oxford comma ,your thoughts please .
  5. Astanley


    I m not messing Ray ,he has .
  6. Astanley


    That's the lad , as I said talented violinist ,and I often wondered if that had much to do with his success .
  7. Astanley


    Don't know much about arm wrestling ,but there is a local lad who has just won a world title ,not for the first time either ,and hardly anyone knows he does it ,he's better known for being a decent fiddle \violin player
  8. God forgive me for getting involved in a man Utd love fest ..but Dennis Irwin was the player I admired most .
  9. Once Mchull gets off his phone he will open the door to you .
  10. If you aspire to the upper middle class then one should take it as a given that employing domestic help from the lower classes will result in the mess you describe ,one should only employ staff from accredited agencies that specialise in supplying trained operatives an fait with the wants and needs of genteel folk .
  11. I don't usually play that game ,but what a mouth watering fight ,couldn't for the life of me pick a winner but I'm pretty sure it would be life changing to watch .
  12. I'm pretty easy going and tolerant about most things ,but every time I see one of those big fat ugly useless earless bags of shite towing a skinny scruffy trackie wearing waste of space and his tattooed scrawny camels toe showing boot of a girlfriend round ,I could easily join jukels army .
  13. See ,this is what happens when old 7 fingers disappears ,we all get death notices months late .
  14. Ah that's shi t news mate ,I know whatever comes your way you'll handle it with courage and dignity ,friends and family will help you ,if there is anything I can do please just pm me .
  15. I admire Ali as much as anyone ,but I just don't get his elevation to sainthood status , like all of us he was flawed ..The nation of Islam in which he was a minister was an anti white organisation ,so much so that it could be considered their sole reason for existing ,( check out their explanation for the origins of the white race )Ali bought into this 100% ,when his "friend " Malcolm x left the nation to join main stream Islam Ali turned his back on him ,he never ,ever mentioned the Vietnam war until after his draft , his "principles "often coincided with what was beneficial to him ,he had a
  16. I think sometimes there is mass amnesia surrounding some of Ali s utterances in the 60s and 70 s ,,he wasn't just for staying within racial boundarys ,he was unapologetically anti white .
  17. My granddaughter was born in Liverpool women's hospital in 2012 she was premature and was in there for a couple of months came home in the June ,then I read that Letby started working there in the October of that year ,still getting the shakes thinking about it .
  18. Send all the fkin muzzles back ,is what I say .
  19. Your furniture is shit....how's that
  20. I would of kept that quiet if I was you Wolfie ,there are a few people on here who are very anti Scandinavian ,expect abuse by pm .
  21. They can bring happy results like that ..your fil sounds like me ,not a bit of English in mine ,not sure how I feel about that either .
  22. Just found out I'm 10% Welsh ....not sure how I feel about that .
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