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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Cos ken said so ..he will kill you if you ask any more silly questions
  2. Your all over the place mate ,I think your rabid left wing intellectual hero talks shi t ,and you accuse me of listening to a rabid left wing organisation too much .....
  3. Got to take issue with you there sonofabitch ,he's a rabid ideologue who dresses his sinister views up as intellectual arguments ,being clever doesn't make him right ,it just means he sounds good to CLOWNS like you .
  4. Now THAT is worth being interested and repulsed by
  5. I can understand a certain amount of interest in a 'want to know what's happening in the world 'type way ,I can understand agreeing with one side of the other ,that's natural ..what I don't follow is western media's fixation on it ,and ordinary blokes getting all hot under the collar debating it ,who gives a fuk?..it's a tribal thing in a desert involving folk we have nothing in common with ,not religion ,not cultural ,not looks ,not values ...nothing ..they may as well be aliens ...why all the interest ?
  6. Whoa ! Steady on Kenny ,your beginning to sound like the stiff fella .
  7. Wtf is with everyone tonight ,? Richie wants to bomb France ,you want to nuke China ,people want to send gunboats to blow lilos full pakis out of the water and kings talking about a nightime stealth paraglider raid on Ireland ...what happened to all the peace and love ?
  8. He's still making grovelling apologies ken
  9. Kenny D ,you won't of seen kings last post but he apologised and begged your forgiveness ,also said ketchup a kunt.
  10. Phew .is that all ? I read the title and thought someone had tried to take tommos meat pie .
  11. Can't wait til you find your glasses ,you might stop with the fence sitting then .
  12. I gave Saunders an outsiders chance of staying out of trouble and nicking it until all this fuss ,I just don't see how his mindset can be right when those around him and even his trainer ( who I'm surprised and a bit disappointed by )are joining in and validating his negativity ,he would be better off if people were drumming into him that details are just details and he will prevail whatever .
  13. It was a slightly grammatically ambiguous but I suspect this may be due to his writing in his local vernacular..to me it was perfectly comprehensible ,he thinks mushrooms gay .
  14. Note to self ...what was I thinking fishing for compliments on here ?
  15. You spoke too soon ,I have just read a post were a grown man made monkey noises as his rebuttal .
  16. Yes ,very much so ,but I was talking generally .
  17. I'd of thought even more so in those scenarios.
  18. And that's why it's called cooperation and not obedience
  19. Isn't cooperation vital to survival though ?
  20. I think it's interesting that as far back as we can go as humans ,we have worshipped God's , world wide lots of different God's ,lots of similarities ,but as far as I know every recorded culture has worshipped God's ...are we hard wired to believe in something ?
  21. I'm not as politically savvy as some of you fellas ,but even a bit of a fence sitter like myself can see the racial agenda playing itself out in microscopism in hunting ...white working class lads hunting with dogs are portrayed as council estate scum of the earth ,thuggish ,blood thirsty ,p***y type Neanderthals ,white man hunting with gun ..posh ,privileged hoorays with contemptible morals , African hunting with dogs ...noble Hunter gatherer following long standing cultural traditions . African hunting with gun ...victim of white economical oppression forced to go against all his insti
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