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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Sweating like socks in a glove factory .. Sweating like Bill hardy at a spelling contest ... Sweating like gnasher on a North sea beach ..
  2. Sweating like Tomo in a pie shop .. Sweating like mushroom in a closet .. Sweating like kennyd on a flushing loo.. Sweating like chid at a dwarf throwing contest..
  3. Great post borderlad ,it's great that you have plenty of good memories ,it's even better that you have the outlook and mindset to make many more precious memories ..
  4. Can we get back on topic please ,I was enjoying Mr Rudes input .
  5. Seems to be a lot of jealousy on here ,it's a bit disappointing to read , the man bred a legendary line of running dogs ,his posts are full of wisdom ,they are both entertaining and educational ,he is obviously a gifted individual who knows his stuff ,.That old adage , "when knowledge talks ,wisdom listens " springs to mind .His writing style is like a cross between Shakespeare and Plummer at their best ,even as grandad he has the body of a young Tomo ,,,no wonder some of you are jealous ,try to get over it ,sit at the feet of a master and learn something .
  6. Me and mates went to the isle of man once ...Sounds like you were there
  7. Don't want to get into it wilf ,I was just saying that the first kid who does it will have to be of strong character and confident in his world view ,as I said ,a big ask for a normal lad in his early twenties living his dream .that's all .
  8. Ain't that the depressing fukin truth .
  9. The first white footballer who doesn't take the knee is going to need some strength of character ,it's not right and it's not just but he is going to have to defend himself against the might of a lopsided media with an agenda that will use every dirty trick in the journalists book ,his social media history will have to be snowy white ,,he will have to be articulate and able to convey his reasons without falling into any traps that will be set for him ,he will risk losing bucketfuls of money through sponsors ,he will risk alienating teammates ,he will be an irresistible target for every virtue
  10. Astanley

    65 today

    There have been times and situations in my life when you would get good odds on me making old bones .so happy birthday and fukin well done to me .
  11. I once took a tight corner with only one hand on my bike once ,after that all my mates called me Evil Kneivel.
  12. Fkn marty mcfly ,he's gonna cause an accident one day .
  13. Surgeons wear them so they don't infect patients with open wounds.
  14. The way I understand it about masks is they werent meant to protect the wearer ,but other people ,they are no where near 100% effective ,but the cut down the distance and amount of anything untoward you are breathing out ,this alongside social distancing seems to me a reasonable precaution to take ,infact it seems sensible .
  15. They look nice ,but what are they Mr Rude?
  16. I don't know if it's the manic grin ,the gleeful gripping of a knife with blood drenched hands ,the serial killer type pose of victory after satisfying a blood lust ....but I've just phoned 999
  17. Ken ,out of all the people who should wear a face covering ,then you've got to be right up there .
  18. ....and behold the beasts of the field flocked to the Nazarene for they understood he was the son of God and it came to pass he gave them silly Spanish names
  19. I'm fuk in speechless ,! I can't stop looking ,,must be the biggest pair of gazingers I have ever seen .
  20. My goodness ,that's very impressive ,like something off love island
  21. What an absolutely fascinating write up ,would you consider writing for the CMW again ?
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