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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. That ship has sailed mate ,there is an act going through parliament now that will recognise some animals as sentient beings legally ....semantics not withstanding I would approve of a more draconian approach to dog theft .
  2. Will has made himself very clear on the subject ..gay blacks are ok ,they can stay ...gay black Muslims are not acceptable and must go ...gay pakkies must be shot alongside straight pakkies and anyone on nodding terms with a pakie ,gay or straight ,straight blacks must go ....transgender people can stay but just be confined to zoos unless they are black brown or yellow in which case they must be shot with the pakkies ...white gays can be treated as normal providing they are clean and transvestites may be tolerated for entertainment purposes ...crystal clear innit
  3. He honest ..did you "storm off " as fast as your little legs could carry you ?
  4. Is "stormed off " a euphemism for ran away ?
  5. Mushy ,was it in one of those clubs the lesbian battered you ,I remember it was Blackpool .
  6. Mate ,that was the main part of the job ,keeping non turd burglars out .
  7. Yep ,I am fairly ugly ,but I thought they would like a bit of rough
  8. I used to work at a gay club , all the time I was there ....I didn't get so much as a leering look ,no flirting ,no one ogling me ,no wandering hands ,no "accidental bumping into me " ..nothing .....ruined my ego .
  9. No mate ,I am after exactly the same as you .
  10. That's the first time in my life I have read " grassy knoll " without it being a reference to JFK ,well done you .
  11. Kenny it's not a new thing mate ,artists and comedians have always been there to point out the emperor is bollock naked .
  12. Astanley


    How do you block someone if you don't want to see their posts ?
  13. Astanley

    Una Stubbs

    The seven fingered death bringer was way ahead of you .
  14. Orwell ! Now there's a man worth reading ,a visionary ,so good that both socialists and capitalist try to claim him as one of them ,an important author ,
  15. Sorry mate ,as it happens I don't know anything about him ,apart from who he is ,and if I did I would be wary of coming across as a pretentious prick ,and there are enough of them on here ,please may i go back to being a divvy .
  16. Decent full back ,but lacks a bit of pace to be top class .
  17. Kenny ,no snideyness off me mate ,I enjoy your input ,and am far too nice a person for all that stuff . Anti establishment ,no problem with it ( after all the "establishment" is full of corruption and abuses of power ) what I had a problem with is it pretended to be objective and just nuetrally putting the psychology of mass psychosis out there ,this wasn't true ,however well presented it was it was skewed to manipulate ,and therefore part of the deception that infests the tinterweb .
  18. Kenny ,interesting as it was ,it was one long anti establishment ,conspiracy based rant ,hidden in a supposedly psychology presentation .The phenomenon of mass psychosis is covered more sensibly in Douglas Murray's ,The madness of crowds ,...that vid continually tries to equate mass psychosis with the state trying to control the populace ,it never mentioned religion or the cult of personality ,it continually tries to label social media as a tool for the state to control the people ,when we all know in reality social media is a free for all regarding misinformation ,lies and deception and lean
  19. I have just put the lyrics through Google translation .... We are going to Britain ,happy are we We all get abortions over there for free We will beg on the streets and people give you money We like to call it ,the land of milk and honey When we come home we will be wealthy And we will bring lots of meds home to keep us all so healthy Chorus .. Oh the British are very kind ,or are they very daft They pay for our flights ,not for us those packie rafts Repeat
  20. Deffo ,doing it in a storm is a white knuckle ride ,loved it .
  21. Darren said he doesn't give a fuk what you think ,and he called you and ketchup a pair of twats.
  22. Going down there on Saturday myself .
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