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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Astanley

    Pet hates.

    Ffs ,reading through this ,the fishing comp must be like one long episode of 'Grumpy old men ' .
  2. TB ,when I say be honest with yourself ,I don't mean make a long list of your shortcomings (we all have them )and make yourself even more depressed ,I mean be honest about everything ,faults ,strengths ,dreams ,hopes ,aspirations ,most of all ask yourself "do I really want to change things ?" If the honest answer is yes then you have it within you to , ,by small baby steps ,by the slightest daily improvement ,,to make the changes ,aim to be ever so slightly better than you were yesterday ,it will start an unstoppable snowball you will surprise yourself the strength you have ......you must quit
  3. Stop drinking ,go to the docs for a complete mot ,address any concerns the mot may or may not bring up . Ps don't cut back on drink ,don't wean yourself off drink just stop Pps any recreational drugs you may be taking ...stop Ppps start being HONEST with your self ,really ,really brutally HONEST
  4. Nice to have you back mate as you can see Mushy is still in the closet .
  5. Where have you been Alby .
  6. He wrote it after disturbing a mouse's nest with the plough ,it is in part an apology to the mouse and an acknoledgement that the same thing is true of mice and men, if it can go tits up ,it will .
  7. Love the pipes ,love Rab Burns ,love haggis not so keen on Abba or that would of been a great night for me.
  8. Hard to fathom isn't it ...it's not as though poor Wilf has got strong opinions or views about anything .
  9. Desiderata ..Len Crane .....for me .
  10. All Terrain is your man for info on this
  11. Just got tickets to a JP lecture in Sept .
  12. I have a copy of the book ,I will be happy to send it to anyone who wants to read it providing they pass it on on here .
  13. He also wrote ..A day in the life of Ivan Denisovik (spelling) ,a short book and a perfect "taster" of what your going to get with The Gulag archipelago ,,The cancer ward , is another work of his well worth reading
  14. It's an incredible book ,not only did it shed light on the corruption and cruelty of the state over a long period ,it's a celebration of how strong the human spirit can be ,.Just the story of how the book was written and came to be published is a heroic tale ..there is an abridged version of the book which skips a lot of the Russian political stuff ,which can be complicated for non Russians to follow ,an important book that imho should be on the school curriculum ,I strongly urge people to read it .
  15. Kieth ,I have just phoned my son in law (who works for the benefits thingy ) I explained your situation as well as I could with the information you have given us ,I told him you are worried that accepting the position could have a detrimental effect on any benefits ,pensions you are in receipt of and you are unsure of the tax implications ,he says he doesn't know ,it's not his department .
  16. Wilfy insists on halal .
  17. That explains your sexual orientation .
  18. What breed of sheep are they Wilfy!
  19. Ken gets to climb on top of Barbie everynight ..so well done Ken .
  20. Fair enough but ....some organisations and institutions seem to have a disproportionately high percentage of sex offenders ,I know you can find them anywhere ,from the seemingly decent hard working fella down the road to the royal family ,but some professions and institutions seem to attract\enable that sort of chap .
  21. You won't be told will you ...nobody's bothered what you've got to say you junky looking fker.
  22. Wow ,straight to the insults ,no foreplay ,no gradual worsening of banter ,no rhetorical questioning of poor ketchups knowledge ,or fighting ability ,..just straight in with the sole intention of hurting that man's feelings ....shameful .
  23. Working with warriors ,should be retitled ...Working with liberty taking bullies or how to practice your karate kicks on drunken kids .
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