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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. So what your saying is house prices have gone up since 1972 and land and gold investments are better hedges against inflation than leaving your money sitting in the bank , WTF makes you think that is news to the people on here , your not a big barrell of laughs your a thick crank , whos probably a conspirousy theorist , reads some web pages and thinks he,s smarter than every one else ,this is the lurcher section of a hunting forum , why don,t you fk off and preach your doomsday crap somewhere else .
  2. ffs , is your nickname , fun time frankie ? you great big barrel of laughs.
  3. yeah lets toughen him up , the moaning little bellend !
  4. Sickening!!! absolutly fkn sickening , a young lad comes on asking for advise and all he gets from you is sarcasm and cheap shots re his ignorance , no wonder the lad is angry , you are a disgrace to the site and should hang your head in shame .
  5. Didn,t the o,grady family set up thier own boxing association after tha fight , just to make sean a world champion ?
  6. Baw , when I was young I lived for boxing 70 odd amateur fights , if it wasn,t for the fact that I was crap I coulda been a contender atb the canvas back kid .
  7. Your right , blown up , is the wrong phrase to use , I didn,t mean to imply that they were unfit in any way ,and I respect and admire them all , what I was getting at in my cack handed way ,was when they fought Hagler they ( however fit they were ) were fighting above what I consider thier natural fighting weight , just an opinion , atb
  8. I,d never get tired of those write ups , well in mate
  9. I remember Duran beating Buchanan in the early 70s and I think he stayed champ for 5/6 years after that so I would say in his prime he was a natural lightweight ,I think people over look this part of his career because he didn,t come to the notice of the general public till he fought Leonard .Leonard was definatly welter l/middle in his prime despite the circus that his later career became ,Hearns could be whatever weight he wanted ,but his legs always stayed in the welter division. I know its not the case ,but a cynic could say Haglers best opponents where 3 past thier best fighterswho could
  10. Your right Gnash , he didn,t duck anyone , and you can only beat whats about ,the quality of mddleweights of the era wasn,t his fault , also he didn,t need to step up a weight to prove himself , no doubt he was a great champion .....I know it,s nitpicking but I can,t help thinking history has been kind to him because he fought great fighters that couldn,t make their natural weights anymore.
  11. Quite possibly i cant remember now.....i might be wrong but i think Sibson was the only man to ever stop Minter in all his losses,he had a good chin he just opened up too easy. Hagler would have to be in any top 10 all time greats list one of the only fighters i ever saw who just had no weakness to his game at all. The top10 all time greats or the top 10 middleweight greats ? I don,t want to seem to criticise him , Hagler was a great fighter ,but the stand out names on his record are Leanard , Duran and Hearns , two of them were blown up welters and the other a blown up lightweight , truly
  12. Films well worth a watch if you don,t mind sub titles , Il Postino Jean de Florrette , parts 1 and 2 Cinema Paradiso Its a beautiful life most european films don,t rely on special effects or massive production costs , they are usually good stories well told , excellent cinematography and good actors .
  13. I genuinly want them through , I,ll be shouting them on tonight .
  14. I promise you I was tempted , I even wrote one or two out , laughed myself sick at the reaction they,d get , but just couldn,t be arsed in the end ,not everyone has the same humour.
  15. I strongly fancy celtic to get through this round ,
  16. Pay a visit , and get yourself a whippet . I was hoping to get one from your next litter, since you have one quarterly you puppy peddler!!!!! You speak with forked tongue , sex pest !!!!!!!
  17. Pay a visit , and get yourself a whippet .
  18. Astanley


    In the last few years my missus has lost 7 (seven) brothers and sisters , each time she goes through all the stages of grief ,followed by a slow recovery ,because she goes through the full "grieving process "mentally she is as well balanced and mentally sorted as anyone I know . Me on the other hand , after a life time of suppressing emotion and acting "like a man "am completly feked up .
  19. lol nothing would suprise me about this place... I am guessing though that he didnt come out with that in his first message to you! No he built up to it over several pm,s . Baw on the other hand got straight to the filthy point .
  20. wanted me to spank him because he,d been a naughty boy .
  21. its someone on here who had a different name then came back as buttercup and plenty tought it was a woman who was looking for husband number 4 so alot of people used to pm him her with nights of passion and trips out dining and dancing Is that what "you heard" people said in Pms? I,v still got the pm,s , but embarrassing pervy fekers isn,t my thing , Fastdoggie , just out of interest how many profile views are you getting ? when people thought I was a woman I was getting 20 a day , now they know I,m not I get 1 a fortnight.
  22. Can you give them thier own section ,because at the moment they are monopolising the lurcher section with thier stupid petty rivalries , thier drunken arguments , personal insults and overbearing arrogance
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