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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Very interesting Wolfie ,next time I'm in Aldi I will take some photos for you .
  2. Went to a fire on warspite the nuclear sub .....that made my arse tingle a bit .
  3. Sometimes the rhohypnol wears off ,and they start to struggle
  4. Ken ,this morning I brushed my whippets ,I never think I'm getting much read hair ,this morning because the sun was still low I could see thousands of individual short hairs floating down ,the ground is covered in that shale type stone ,(pictured )half an hour later goldys were all over the stone ,...got to be dog hair .
  5. "Brothers and sisters I bid you beware Of giving your heart to a dog to tear " RK.
  6. From a purely boxing viewpoint ,the best ,his natural athletic gifts were matched by his mentality ,a rare thing in my opinion ,an innovator ,a catylist ,improved the sport ,some achievement for one man .
  7. Well in mate ,you and your mate went above and beyond ,so have a brownie point on me .
  8. Astanley

    THL book club?

    Every picture tells a story ,you just need to know how to look .
  9. Astanley

    THL book club?

    If I was arrogant enough to offer advice to anyone on here ,that would be the advice I would give ,,,read a book ,read a thousand books ! Don't lose out on the pleasure ,excitement ,emotion ,knowledge ,self awareness and satisfaction of reading a well written tome ,he discerning in your choice of book ,learn the difference betwixt run of the mill pap and prose that can make your heart soar ,lose yourself in the pages ,find out how beautiful this language is ,how great minds create works of art from words , read a book !
  10. Wonder who the first THL member will be who comes out as trans ......only joking I know it will be mushy .
  11. So your saying Tommo is a big ,thick ,shrek faced idiot who doesn't know f**k all .?
  12. Wilf says ,if you moan about having more fuzzy wuzzies at the Oscars this is the behaviour you can expect .
  13. What did the Blackpool lesbian say about your boyfriend that made you slap her ?..asking for a friend (ketchup )
  14. He deserves to get arrested for throwing the most dramatic ,bitchiest slap,I have ever seen outside of coronation st ...he managed to do the manly thing while looking like a gay mushroom .
  15. Pop over to Nottingham and call Tommo a c**t ,,save all the fukin about .
  16. Bloke made the very most of the cards he got dealt ,and I want to like him for making content like that ,,,good luck to him ,wish all the best etc......but I bet your right ,don't know him ,and I could be wrong ,but comes across as a bit of a count to me
  17. I think lurcher is a derivation of la chasseur .
  18. Council's can sometimes be a bit on the officious side ,a bit small minded ,BUT there is a difference between insisting wind chimes are removed or getting letters warning about too many teddy bears on a grave and constructing (without permission ) a 37 ton piece of vandalism that will have an impact on other people who also have loved ones buried in the shared space of a cemetery .The shear selfish thoughtlessness of putting that piece of very expensive tat to act like a magnet for beer swilling half wits having sing songs to the 'juke box '(a juke box ! Ffs ) ...culture be dammed ..A cemetery
  19. Admittedly the waters can get a bit muddied ...but broadly speaking I have got to agree with the hamster ,in my mind there is a distinct difference betwixt lurchers and longdogs ,temperament ,performance and function ,,there are exceptions ,there are mixed up breedings and there are similarities (they are all running dogs after all )....having said that ,I don't know why I'm commenting on the subject because I really couldn't give less of a fuk about it .
  20. Nothing else to be said .
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