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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Astanley


    The people in chat don't want you in Tud , the scouser to Barnsley ratio is just too high at the moment , try next week .
  2. I try my best not to offend people , but in your case I,ll make an exception , you shit stirring Scottish fuker . Stan, you've offended more c**ts on here than me by a country mile, your wee backtracks don't fool me LOL your kidding surely , I am probably the politest , least offensive person on here . You on the other hand are the biggest piss taker , biggest shit stirrer and its a toss up between you and Stabba who talks the most shite on here . no offence intended .
  3. I try my best not to offend people , but in your case I,ll make an exception , you shit stirring Scottish fuker .
  4. Looking ard , was just a joke mate , its not for me , but I have seen some impressive tattoos , and as you say Its a personal thing and of no consequence what any one else thinks .
  5. lol each to their own I suppose , its not something I v ever considered , Women with tattoos , robs them of their femininity , but on the plus side , makes them look .ard.
  6. There are some cynical people on here .

    1. nothernlite


      And you believe everyone lol

    2. Astanley


      I am very gullible , that is true .

    3. walshie



  7. Its true Baw , believe me , get it done and I bet Gnasher will want to be your mate , go on get it done , ps the tribal markings on the face make you look double ard .
  8. I would advise building a bond with the dog first , but sometimes you just click ,I bought an adult dog once , and from meeting the dog in the sellers yard and the journey home ,I just knew we were ok ,I cant ever remember putting a lead on that dog and it was 3 when I bought it .
  9. tattoos make you look ard ..fact
  10. In real life , my old granddad was a proper mans man , wounded and left with a fked up arm in the first world war , worked as a stoker while raising a family of 12 , a no nonsense get on with it type of fella , would be horrified at a grown man showing his feelings , definatly not a werthers original type of granddad ,he was funny and witty and didn't give a fk what any one thought , not a lovable bloke but I was fascinated and in awe of him .
  11. Good luck to the lad , I wish him all the best for the future .
  12. Charles Bronson always seemed to be a proper man to me , cool ,tough , unflappable ,good looking in a bashed up kite , I aint no fag , kind of way .
  13. Guess whos got a bit of a crush .
  14. Who cares about Rangers , how are Sunderland fekin AFC doing ?
  15. The term ,Cockney stems from a Yiddish word , clochiigash , which in turn derives from an Aramaic phrase which describes what is thought to be a biblical description of a bout of madness and frothing at the mouth , a rough translation would be ,,, man with funny walk who blows bubbles...
  16. I have the same problem ID,ing siskin/greenies , good advice chaps cheers .
  17. Congratulations to Pip 1968 , on being made a mod , well over due mate .

    1. pip1968


      thanks lads the chatroom will be a better place from now on lol

    2. ferretess


      oh god a new red button pusher :)

    3. Blackbriar


      Must be my turn next ?

    4. Show next comments  366 more
  18. I love your topics mate , keep them coming .
  19. Wow , its amazing how much I ,v missed them , for 3 months now I haven't had a goldie on my feeders , I,v asked questions on forums , I v spent a fortune on nigger seed ,I,v spent hours scaring Sparrowhawks away but not one goldie in the garden . Then this morning what do I see , ? a charm of goldfinches all over my feeders , ( isn't charm a lovely collective noun )I am walking round with a big shit eating grin today .
  20. Stupid cnut?... Dont say stuff on here you wont say to my face. Stupid cnut?... Dont say stuff on here you wont say to my face. Steady on BPR , he might be handicapped then you would be in deep shit .
  21. This is the first time I v come across it in a whippet mate , so like you I have always associated it with the merle/collie thing ,I did a bit of research and apparently the blue gene goes hand in hand with it ,its allowed in the breed standard too , and with asking around and looking into it its not as unusual as I first thought .
  22. No mate , non of M browns stuff in her , The MB I was referring to was silly bollox down in Cornwall.
  23. Mb has tried to buy this bitch off me , if I beat him one more time I get to put him on my mantelpiece , not the prettiest ornament in the world .
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