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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. This what your waiting for mate ? STEWIE ,YOU DELUDED SCOUSE KUNT !
  2. Now you tell me ya fanny 1 ,would you have trusted me with your address to send it you 2, would you open anything I sent you in the post
  3. Im back on the Ecigs , I couldn't get on with those vapouriser things , any one looking to try it can have my kit ,
  4. There is no doubt some people deserve to be put to death ,but with a corrupt and inept judicial system ,how will we ever be sure whos guilty , The Birmingham 6 ,the Guildford 4 , the Renault 5 would all have been unjustly executed in this country had we still kept the death penalty.
  5. and that about sums up the argument against capital punishment .
  6. Sad news , he leaves behind one very happy ex wife , one unfinished pallet wood fence , one very large spoon of the wooden variety ,and 254 very very happy saluki owners .rip
  7. Sounds reasonable to me to give keepers a window of opportunity to control numbers .
  8. This reminds me of when we were kids , the P.E teacher gave my brother a dead arm , so our kid tells my old fella ,"what were you doing ?" asks the old man "just messing about " says the bold James , "o,k take this letter in and give it to the teacher " Next morning our kid swaggers into school and toss,s the letter on the P.E teachers desk , "off me dad "he snarled , teacher opens the letter Dear sir , If he messes about again ,you have my permission to give him a good hiding .
  9. Happy birthday King Kenny ,

  10. can I be first with the "he hasn't got a leg to stand on "gag
  11. I agree with Malt , stupid thing to do , but to describe it as a headbutt is an insult to head butting afficienados , the media will make a meal of it and brainwash people into thinking it,s the end of civilisation ,well Ott
  12. I hope you get sorted mate and wish you good luck .
  13. Astanley


    Get well soon mate , all the best to you and yours , god bless
  14. Wow what an absolutely brilliant photograph , I love that picture
  15. people take kindness as weakness. I liked that David King saying on that rangers thread I put up Fool me once shame on you.... Fool me twice, shame on me FFS back to Rangers again , I,m getting worried about you . as for people taking kindness as a weakness , that's just an excuse evil kunts like you use not to be kind .
  16. May my poor old ,heavy handed ,celtic supporting mother ,who is roamin in the gloaming in heaven forgive me , but you are turning me into a Rangers fan , when someones down your supposed to stop kicking ffs
  17. People are people wherever you are , you get nice , not so nice , rude , nasty and Baws all over , I generally find people will echo the way you are to them , give a bit of respect and courtesy and you get it back 9/10 times .
  18. Sorry I typed Scots , when I meant to type Baw
  19. I would say the Scots have the worst sense of humour , the worst manners ,the most arrogance and the biggest Rangers fixation .
  20. A genuine question to saluki owners ,are they as intractable as people say ,or is it a breed that needs a certain type of owner/trainer ?
  21. Believe it or not , a member on here has called his bullx , choccy woccy doo doos.
  22. Happy birthday Pip1968 , all the best and have a good day .

    1. walshie


      What year was pip born?

    2. christian71


      Did you get what you wanted pip to stick your nose up pete's arse lol


    3. pip1968


      stan everyone knows my birthdays on april the 1st lol

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