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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Lansera , you wont hear any excuses from me , I believe on mass defending is a legitimate tactic , and said so earlier in the season when Mourinho was complaining about West Ham doing the same thing .
  2. As a one off offer I am willing to sell one Personalised autograph ,it will contain the message of your choice upto a maximum of seven words, £250 ovno .
  3. Sickener of a result for me , but I stand by what I said , regardless of how it pans out Liverpool have give me a lot of pleasure this season .
  4. Hmmmmmmm let me think , which group of people to commit mass murder on first ? a difficult choice , whilst taking out a load of extremist puma trackies has its attractions , killing a bunch of politicians could be equally appealing , but that would mean missing out on the delights of paedophile genocide . If I could get enough of them in one place spraying a bunch of RSPCA inspectors with an uzi sounds like it could be quite satisfying ,the elimination of antis ,traffic wardens ,man utd supporters and air gunners would all be beneficial to society as a whole but would there be enough personal
  5. Astanley


    That dog looks a cracker BB , please may I have it . thanks in advance .
  6. You nearly had me there , until you mentioned mates as if
  7. I, m only an armchair supporter these days , and I wont be banging on about it what ever happens , but wether they get the title or fall short at the last , Liverpool have given me a lot of pleasure this season so well done to the Reds . The atmosphere today should be ok today , obviously it wont compare with Sunderland AFCs , but I,m sure the fans will do their best.
  8. Nice one Pete , It reminds me of a time a few years ago when I watched a weasel coming toward me on a path , oblivious to me it was doing that twisty ,side ways jumping , rolling about thing they do , it got within a couple of feet of me and then disappeared ,the mad thing was ,I had a camera with me , but I forgot to breath never mind take a photo .
  9. On the bright side , that ingrowing toenail is no longer an issue .
  10. shame , I,m on the lookout for a busher , as for numbers , one of each would do me , a busher and a runner .
  11. Stewie , whats the spaniel in the pic , sex ,age etc , and please may I have it ?
  12. Deified for treating an injured animal ?
  13. David Niven and I , the last of the true gentlemen , It may be an outdated concept to some , but one must strive to maintain certain standards or else its anarchy .
  14. ffs its only money , if you and your loved ones are healthy and well , that's all the luck you need .
  15. For the last 3/4 years I have heard Everton moan about Moyes , they made valid points about his lack of ambition , his safety first ,play the percentages style of play , his "we cant compete with the big boys " outlook ,he had the mentality that EFC were a small club and should be happy with 6th or 7 th place and the occasional back to the walls win against bigger better teams , his substitutions are so predictable it laughable , he was ok for bringing a bit of stability to the club and making them hard to beat , that was it . The think is , if that bunch of not very bright ugly fekers that
  16. I Love the IOM , to sit in that little steam train and chug along through some smashing old fashioned countryside has got to be one of the nicest ways to spend an afternoon in Britain .
  17. Just been to visit and old friend , who is now crippled with arthritus and cant get out anymore ,dropped him a bit of reading material off ,thats my good deed for the day .

    1. pip1968
    2. albert64


      pip the johnny merrick of Liverpool.....

    3. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Liverpools next millionair lol

    4. Show next comments  354 more
  18. Astanley

    Old Age

    I wondered when you,d put an appearance in ,you moany , whiney , club footed gimp.Its bad enough having to walk slow so you can keep up , but having to wait while you empty your colostomy bag and having farmers moan about the groove your club foot leaves behind is getting too much. do the farmed not moan about you stealing there cow shit Stan? You keep laughing about that , but it wasn't fukin funny , I very nearly drowned in that pile of cow shit , I swalled at least a pint of it ,it was up my nose in my ears , you try swimming in a lake of it ,,scary stuff ,,,, I,ll take your
  19. Astanley

    Old Age

    I wondered when you,d put an appearance in ,you moany , whiney , club footed gimp. Its bad enough having to walk slow so you can keep up , but having to wait while you empty your colostomy bag and having farmers moan about the groove your club foot leaves behind is getting too much.
  20. Astanley

    Old Age

    I,m 57 or 58 , and apart from doing everything a bit slower and taking a bit / lot longer to recover , its pretty much business as usual .
  21. One knock back from MLB and youv turned into a bitter twisted chauvinist , lower your sights Alby and try again with Cold Ethyl or Danos bird .
  22. Did you get lots of strange pms of the air gun section , some seriously fuked up membersw on there , One member ,who I wont name , wanted me to spank him because he,d been naughty !!!! fuk it , Atuddy
  23. You only have to read this section to realise sexism is endemic in this country , it,s probably the most important issue in the land , but is very rarely discussed at the highest levels , the objectifying of women should be abhorrent to any civilised culture ,I for one will never rest until women are treated as equals in every part of society . We could take a stand on this forum and ban members making sexist or inappropriate comments to or about females .
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