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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. It could be your pacemaker interfering with the signal , or it could be that someone snitched on you for calling Ian B gay in chat
  2. I don't know how true it is , but I heard a tale that in his later years Bert was visited by a "writer " who borrowed a lot of Berts photos and writings /correspondence etc on the pretext of co authoring a book of his life , never to be seen again ,as I said I don't know how true this is ,
  3. JLR , as a lady it is a sad , but true fact that you will have to put up with chauvinism , misogyny and out and out sexism on a site like this , please don't let Neanderthals like mushroom and LMFAO with their caveman attitudes put you off posting .
  4. Congratulations to Man city , they have played some great football this season , and I think Pelligrini has conducted himself with a lot of class this season , I think their fans have got a sense of humour too and seem to lack the arrogance of their less noisy neighbours.
  5. your still a fine figure of a man mate
  6. btw Tomo , yery pretty , how the fk did you manage to pull her .I,v seen your photo , are you rich?
  7. Tomo , I don't really know how to break this to you ,and I honestly don't want to break up a marriage ,but I,v enlarged your pic ,and Im not 100% sure , but I suspect your missis is black , sorry to be the one to tell you mate .
  8. I enjoyed that Naz , would love to see that little pack doing what they were bred for , smashing looking dogs .
  9. Don't call Stewie an old woman
  10. That's no good to me Stewie , I need embarrassing , never to be forgotten repulsive behaviour , make it up if you have to .
  11. So did Lab get drunk and misbehave at the fishing match ? I didn't know that , would someone please post in as much detail ,and an acceptable amount of exaggeration as possible , what he got up to please . thank you .
  12. a bit like sunderland afc and West Ham .
  13. What a goal ,come on yooooooo blooooo s
  14. Take no shit off the scouse kunt Tiffy la .
  15. I knew crows would get the blame .......cos they is black.
  16. Didn't understand one word of what they were saying , and I don't know what they were laughing about , but I would love to have a couple of pints with them all the same .
  17. Conversation in our house this morning ...... Mrs Astanley .......you where late coming to bed last night Me ......the lads on thl were arguing Mrs Astanley...what about ? Me ...wether a honey badger could take a pit bull in a fight Mrs Astanley ......sigh ....I want a divorce
  18. He moved to Barnsley ,calls himself Stabba nowadays.
  19. Before he started acting Robert de Niro was our postman , lovely fella .
  20. yes mate ,camping is quite big in France , small town /rural France is beautiful , the way of life and pace of life is special .
  21. fs Just seen the other thread
  22. I,v been and seen a few places but I was always happy to come home , family and friends and a sense of belonging have always been important to me , If I had to move , it would be France for me .I loved their way of life ,
  23. Two or three pints of Guiness in a decent pub in good company is one of lifes great pleasures .
  24. Tell him Baw said he,s a kunt , see if you can get him on the hit list .
  25. Mourinhos team talk " right lads defend as if your lives depend on it " Genius Allardyses team talk ," right lads defend as if your lives depend on it "Taking football back to the 19th century . Todays word is Hypocrisy
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