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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Police have been , this "doctor " has examined 90 patients in Liverpool , Essex and Kent , she has been caught in Kent and will be in court there , no wonder Shipman got away with it for so long .
  2. She just cant catch a break lately .
  3. we have had a phone call of the police , they want to interview Mrs Astanley , it seems the last time she went to the doctors , she was examined by some big African mama pretending to be a doctor , how the fk can this happen !!
  4. I have go no problem with the Pakistani community celebrating their day ,or any other emigrant community enjoying an occasion that is important to them , but I don't see the tricolour flying from our town hall in march , or the stars and stripes on the fourth of july ,though if hey were invited to I,m sure they would . The fault lies squarely with the white ,liberal ,middle class , obsession with being culturally correct and appeasing minority groups that arnt looking for appeasement . Its ironic that letting the Pakistani flag fly on a municipal building they are harming the very people th
  5. Is that club sill going ? I wouldn't mind a drive over one sunday to have a look .
  6. Alby tell klub foot to stop passing your insults on to me xxx
  7. They were called , short whippers , around here , I had some on the allotment a few years ago , and to watch them fly was some sight , they seem to clear fences and hedgerows at 100 mph with an inch to spare , they had a few lads ducking for cover while digging their spuds lol , The last time a had a couple after much searching I found an old boy who apparently sold a few to a club in wigan , The birds were killed by cats and when I tried to get replacements , unfortunatly the old fella had passed away , I have never been able o trace the club in wigan , maybe some of the lads on here can help
  8. I don't ever want to grow up and lose my sense of wonder at magical events like this .
  9. It could be the most important documentary for years , if the liberal section of the media now acknowledges that debating and discussing race and ethnicity dosnt make you a bigot or racist . Just a shame that only a black person could have made the programme , a white person fronting it would probably be arrested by now .
  10. A really nice looking pup Pad , all he best with it .
  11. I reckon the guy in the pub has been filled in , he seems a bit of a know all , don't know why Johnny listens to him so much
  12. I don't understand why the man is getting criticised , he is a Hero , he is protecting his family and the whole area from the government lackies that try to oppress us , he is standing up for all of us , I bet nobody on here would have the courage that man showed , I wish he lived close to me ,I know I would sleep better at night knowing I had a neighbour like him , A fine example of the good old British bulldog spirit , Tomo ,Gnasher and Wilf , admit it , you would shit yourselves if you had to face this mans wrath keep it up blood !
  13. Astanley

    The Aa

    When I joined they werent, interested in fixing my car , just rambled on about my drinking , fk em
  14. I look at dogs and women the same way ...my standards are incredibly low
  15. Desertbred , do you think it was a good idea to turn up to the THL fishing comp dressed like that ? what if Socks has a flashback ?
  16. 0.5 sec for me , shot , skinned and now a rug infront of the fire .
  17. I enjoyed Monty halls programme . but he hardly "piched up and lived off the land " Gnash , spent a good bit doing an old cottage type thing up , kept a few chickens and pigs , grew a bit of veg , his dog was just a companion , he got involved with the locals and it was a decent programme . but not a self sufficiency type show
  18. Mindfulness !!!! ,,its the answer ,I would advise anyone to look into it and maybe take a course , you will cultivate a mind set that will help you cope wih anything life throws at you.
  19. I am ok this week and most of next week , then she is back on
  20. Max the truth is Sunderland fans are no better and no worse than any other football clubs fans , the gates you get are about what you would expect from a one club city , in a football mad area , the drop in attendance when you get relegated , is percentage wise what I would expect most other clubs to drop , your lot are not a different gravy or a different anything else they are much the same as virtually every other club .
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