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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Just been googling up on this woman ,she seems to be a political breath of fresh air ,good luck to her ,she will have to take a leaf out of Trumps book and use social media for her message because the msm seems to have affixed "far right " , " neo fascist " and " Mussolini " to her name . As an aside I have just read that an Irish lady shot Mussolini in the nose in 1926 ,! Who knew ?
  2. An old pal of mine shared a cell with him for a couple of years ,a bit of a fitness fanatic himself he was amazed at Macvicars fitness regime .
  3. I have got as much right to post as you .
  4. , S.G has got one ,and I don't even like being in the same post code as the evil looking kunt.but he has some awesome looking lurchers down from it though .
  5. As I typed that ,there was a thought bubble doing out of my head saying , "no you didn't ,you got caught out being a smart arse."
  6. But Richie ,I am aware we have some American members ,so with this audience in mind I was using American \English ,and I believe ,spelled ,to be the preferred spelling .
  7. The pedant in me was going to point out ,utopia ,was spelled wrongly ,then it occurred to me you may have been making a pun on the word Europe ,if so ,well done you .
  8. Astanley


    Whatever the royal family costs the public purse ,it generates infinitely greater income for this country ,that is only one quantifiable benefit of having them ,they are the envy of the world ,this place would be a poorer place without them .
  9. I can see an image of Mary mother of God in that thumbnail .
  10. Astanley


    A beautiful ceremony from beginning to end ,made my chest swell with pride ,and my throat tighten with emotion ,I feel truly sorry for the cynics who will never understand the emotion of gratitude .
  11. Someone give me a reason to go.
  12. Looks like Reids stuff of that period ,handsome dog .
  13. What the fk has happened to you mate ? Have you fallen on hard times ?..you have announced the passing of royalty ,Hollywood legends ,sporting icons and giants of politics ,,how has it come to this ...grange hill characters ffs .get your act together .
  14. Socks with sandals!!! NO ,tell me it ain't so joe.
  15. I reckon they could do without Ricky Tomlinson and the son in law was a bit annoying ,so he could go .
  16. My mate crossed the road once when Tomo was on his way to Greggs .....reckons he was a split second away from being roadkill .
  17. There are all sorts of medical reasons the dog might be underweight ,but trust your own judgement ,and if after seeing the dog ,the owner ,the home and having hands on the dog you think it's neglect ,go back and take it ,fuk em.. If you get nicked tell them Chartpolski said you could .
  18. Astanley


    Hasn't Charles got big hands
  19. So anyway ..I went to see Dr Peterson last night and he didn't disappoint ,a fascinating man ,I highly recommend any one to have a listen to him ,with stress on the word listen .
  20. Astanley


    So what your saying is ...Mowbray will get promotion ...or did I read it wrong ?
  21. Ken ,I walked away from the argument ,please don't think that's in any way a capitulation or agreement with your logic that I bit myself on the arse .I don't see the point in going on for pages saying ,I think your wrong jumping on me with your ,Ah gotcha ,moment ,.and you replying with your view ,..I think you are out of order accusing me of hypocrisy ,you obviously think different or you wouldn't have done it ,by all means reply to this post but don't expect me to get into some tiresome 10 pager that will inevitably lead to harsh words being typed .
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