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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. A measurement of Birds A pie shop of Tomos An articulation of Charts A stupidity of Hulls A knowall of Wilfs An argie bargie of Greymen A bevvy of stewies A geezer of gnashers
  2. Open up Phil ,clear your conscience and give the families a sense of closure .
  3. I think social media has cheapened experiences such as the northern lights ,eclipses even thunderstorms ..every Tom ,dick and Harry want to post and wax lyrical about how "deep ,profound and spiritual" it all is and every bill Bob and George wants to seem cool by taking the ppiss,what happened to keeping special memories for yourself ,knowing that however articulate or verbose you are ,you will never get any one to understand how you felt ...keep special memories private I say .
  4. A master class from lomachenko ,feels like it's a privilege every time I watch him .
  5. That's my Christmas ruined ,thanks Tomo .
  6. On a positive note Ray ,it will take your mind off your fecked back .
  7. I've got an ingrowing toenail that's more interesting than wolfie .
  8. Astanley


    My preferred pronouns are he \him ,please respect this .
  9. That's a lot of fights you've been in for a "very quiet bloke " have you just got one of those faces people like to punch ?
  10. I have never and never will walk away from a bully being a bully ,I may shi t myself ,or be out of my depth but in my own humble opinion there is no option .
  11. You sure about the pub name mate ?
  12. It must of been a case of 'distance lends enchantment ' with the evertonians ,I don't know one efc supporter who was sad to see him go ,he is a shoulder shrug of a manager ,much like Hodgson or Fat Sam ,he will organise a team ,make them hard to beat ,keep them safe ,,BUT sacrifices ambition or risk ,and there is never attractive football without them ,in the end his negativity wears you down ,some managers make you dream ,he just puts you to sleep .
  13. What percentage of kangaroos are of a fighting age though ,would the invasion be by air or sea ?either way the logistics of getting millions of kangaroos from Australia to Uruguay on the same day would be mind boggling also how proficient can kangaroos be with modern firearms bearing in mind their lack of opposable thumbs ...I don't think such a scenario is possible ,,,but then again Fury has made a living from boxing so anything is possible
  14. Wish I hadn't said anything now
  15. Good to see the Grebster back
  16. Astanley

    Art work

    Commission my mates just finishing off .
  17. I just wish he would shut up ,he's an annoying tit ...
  18. Curried goat ...your welcome .
  19. The skill and crossbones is a common theme on gravestones ,it just symbolic of death .
  20. I enjoyed his ramblings and his eccentricities ,an intelligent fella who can draw you in with an attractive writing style ,but as time went on the grossness and seedyness of some of his posts grated on me .
  21. Astanley


    Tempus fugit is right Ray ,just enjoy ,learn ,spread the love and above all be grateful . Ps Richie I'm torn about the use of the Oxford comma ,your thoughts please .
  22. Astanley


    I m not messing Ray ,he has .
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