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night warrior

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Everything posted by night warrior

  1. f**k reading a statement id be spitting at the c**ts god no's what was going through that lads head knowing what was to happen to him lets hope he told the c**ts what he thought of them before thay did what thay did rip lad
  2. Must be a good bit of kit how that is moving
  3. Your right there mate non of my mates have got any thing that comes close to it nice to be the leading lad lol
  4. That r10 I got off you mate what a gun u wasn't kidding how u described it lost count on how many things have gone to the forest in the sky with it took a bit to get used to it but no stoping now atb
  5. Gess u never seen a good bullcross do its job then money couldn't buy mine and it shits smelly shit lol
  6. Cant believe thay are still up for homes it just goes to show how the lurcher game is going dont no the dogs but look steady hounds and if thay work as good as thay look someone will have a good dog all the best with sale lad or should I say giveaway
  7. Had one of those a long time a go spot on gun put a lot off stuff to bed with mine
  8. Nice 1 mate for helping someone out who may not have much money but wants to get in to shooting what goes around comes around atb
  9. Dont no what up with people when colour stops selling a dog I like the try colour than the red and white hope it gets the working home he needs
  10. He will have been shiting him self since Saville was brought to light lets hope he dont take the easy way out and do him self in
  11. Hope you get your dogs back mate safe and sound it may not be the travellers that took them but some 1 close to you my dog once got took and I blamed every c**t than the c**t I thought was my mate he even helped me to look for him knowing where the dog was it was is girl friend who told me where the dog was put it this way I got my dog back and he got what people like that need his girlfriend seed hes a c**t and no need for what he had done her dad had working dogs all his life and no what thay mean to lads good look hope you get them back soon and safe
  12. Once got lifted by old bill ferreting thay came running over hill to use shouting dont move got u now I replied what for thay say badger digging what with ferrets I sead dont get cleaver this big fat c**t says get your terrier out and hurry up has he said that a rabbit bolts up comes one off the ferrets told u so then he said I no there is a terrier down there if you not willing to get it out we will get some one here that will so off we went to local cop shop for 14 hours interviewed and in interview thay brought a car battery in what thay had found near where we was and seed it was for the
  13. Do thay make good working ferrets or are thay a bit head strong ie bit nippy like the look off the true polecat but need some thing I can work with looks ant every thing but nice if u can have best of both worlds looks and a good working ferret atb
  14. Good on you mate for helping young lads out when I started I had no one to help me I had to hide the 1 ferret I had in my bed room because I wasn't allowed one of my own my dad and grandad had loads for me to borrow but I wanted one off my own what was better than there's nowt up with there's like just wanted the best one I could bring on a day out and say thats mine long story short my mum found it in my sock draw curled up in my socks never sead nowt till she came up and court me with my bed room up side down things all over and told me its about time I sorted my room out next day I got up t
  15. Hope you letting him sell them on here free of charge after you took you're pup
  16. Filling bottle with whip wanted must be in test money waiting pm if u can help thanks
  17. Names mean nothing its what is put in to the dogs ive seen some so called top name dogs what wasn't worth a shit but lads keept puting time in to them thinking thay was going to be top dogs just course thay have names behind them the best dog I ever had had no name behind it just the name I gave it and what a dog I had I thought I new it all that dog should me what to do and ive had dogs a long time all the best with your pups
  18. Photo no 2 can see bitch going to be good on hair lol
  19. The 1st thing I would do with it is worm it mate
  20. What food u giving that mate course it looks like it can shift for a old dog lol or is it late for singing on
  21. Call it best dog in the world be course if its owt like my mates thay keep saying that to me so thats what I thought there dogs was called so I call them that when out and thay look at me gone out dont no why because I thought that was there name
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