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night warrior

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Everything posted by night warrior

  1. Any numbers of vets in South yourkshre that sells it over counter good to no atb
  2. Better put on your glasses mate when them two down lamp whitch one got that you tell me f**k it dont matter we got it happy days good look with pup alb
  3. Its worth what the lad who owns the dog to say but getting what u want ant allways easy one mans trash is a nover mans gold
  4. Dog didn't even put up a fight who wants a dog like that anyway I sapose u could put it on pre loved pets and got a good bit for it
  5. Dog was a pussey never had a chance no bull in that did the owner a favour and got rid of it now a good bull cross would have been carrying that off to eat lol it might have been one off them coursing dogs what cost £100000000000
  6. No worries didn't no it had been done before should have a short shelf life then but would like to see what people have to say thanks for pointing it out
  7. If it was legal to run hares with dogs would it be a waste of a hare would it deseve you or the dog in to thinking you had a good dog to take a hare at night
  8. you would be amazed at the amount that only give one dose of panacure liquid as they have not actually read the instructions that say administer over three consecutive days I know: many people just don't read the instructions properly, or at all ... mind you, it might help if they weren't printed so small that you need a magnifying glass to read them that reminds me, opticians appointment this afternoon
  9. Has bull cross hounds go ive been round them far a long time and owned a couple of this line not direct from the named dog but down the line from him and was more than happy with what I had with any bull cross give it time there not unbreakable like a lot think and push them to hard to soon a good bull cross is worth its weight in gold and some can weigh in a big lump but size is nothing with these dogs thats what I've learned a long the way get a good one u got a dog that will serve you till the end with all its got and more in my eyes there ant a dog out there to touch a dog like these dogs
  10. Is it down to the dog or down to the owner how many of these dogs was grafted to young its no good trying a dog to young then blaming the dog or its breeding seen it to many times to young to soon then dogs f**kt and its dogs fault
  11. Its just I was out with a lad who paid a lot off money for a white goshawk and I mean a lot in my eyes and I saw it fly a rabbit and pull off and thought well if thay will pay that sort of money for that then so be it but a dog in a dog pound would have done better I know its a different game but I think people under price dogs thats why there is so many going to wast and passed about if the price was higher to get a dog would there be less in the situation there in
  12. Like the stance of your dogs mate lovely looking dogs good look with them alb how u going to say which dog got that one at a distance dad or pup dad or pup dad or pup f**k it as long as we got it ha ha
  13. Hi what is peoples view on price of dogs some lads have put all there life and lots of money in to get dogs up to a standard what is something like for them I no its not about money to get what u want but when u try to give someone the chance to own a dog whats took that amount off time and effort to get thay if and but over a couple of hundred pounds when the dog is worth more than money can buy
  14. Hi what is peoples view on price of dogs some lads have put all there life and lots of money in to get dogs up to a standard what is something like for them I no its not about money to get what u want but when u try to give someone the chance to own a dog whats took that amount off time and effort to get thay if and but over a couple of hundred pounds when the dog is worth more than money can buy
  15. When you cut off cig lighter off a 170 do u need to fuse new wire or new plug or can u put wire to battery without its just there is a fuse in cig lighter and what is best thing to use than cig lighter and its to go to a deban lithium any help much appreciated
  16. Wanted blitz lamp and red filter south yourkshre
  17. Looks well made good luck with sale
  18. Might just be fitness more you get them out better thay become
  19. Hopefully there is another nice one for you to make you smile you will always remember the good times with her now get ready for the times with the new dog and never judge the new one on the old one you will never get two dogs the same ive a pup im running now and I keep telling him old lad would have had that one and he just looks at me inof to say get me another one to run but I love all my dogs the same no matter young or old its the times you had that counts atb
  20. When its pulling your arm off in the field and your wishing I hope there something in next field for it you will look back at it is now and think what happened to that little thing I had cant beet a good bull cross if it terns out any good there ant a dog to touch them at there work that they was bread for happy days and hope shes all for you and more what's in her breeding
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