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night warrior

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Everything posted by night warrior

  1. Hope you and your family gets justice for what them c**ts have done and put you through atb
  2. Not into coursing dogs but if I was id be having a go with one of them smart animals them mate well looked after all the best with sale
  3. Go dump a tone of silage on is drive problem solved
  4. With dogs its always been the same old chestnut that things going its a bag of crap thay had the dog 2 minits probably got the dog that day out with it that night and dog don't perform its dogs fault no its not its the dickhead with the dog there out with lads with dogs that are out 5 times a week and think it should be like them give a dog a chance would you do a good job for some one ow is like everyone else and have you then off you go back on roundabout again dogs soon lose fath in people and can you blame them dogs give so much and ask for f**k all back apart from a bowl of snap and a bed
  5. If thay want the dog mate make them do a bit of the work that will show u ow is genuinely interested not just to much time on there hands to f**k about if its jenuin reason dog is for sale it must be hard to part with a dog of that age and ready to go all hard work has been done good look and hope the dog gets chance to do what it was breed for and not for a dick head to walk about
  6. If a dog as hardly any marks its a good dog if a dog looks like its been with a hedge trimer every time its been out for 1 it'll get you a charge sheet and it will be of work for god no's how long I no which dog id have a dog what looks like a pet and still a live in 3 years time you no what your dog can do and thats all what matters good look with your pups mate
  7. A dog what does its job with no marks on its mush is a cleaver dog in my eyes
  8. Devon what a shit hall give me sunny doncaster any day
  9. Devon what a shit hall give me sunny doncaster any day
  10. How long do thay last mate and what sort of spreading do thay give ie could thay be yoused as a spotter on a golf course in stead of a lamp then youse lamp to run the dog in stead of having to take fillter on and off of big lamp and could you run dog with just that
  11. Its sad to hear a story like this a good dog gone by the sound of things as long as he served you well and you was good to him he will have loved every minit he had with you I love my old half cross bitch I nearly lost her this year and it kills me to think what it would be with out her I have two dog pups she gave me last year and if thay tern out half as good as her I will be blessed and honerd there my life and what would a life with out dogs be
  12. Night master 800 with red led is it any good for spotting your game then the lamp to complete the course just looks a good bit off kit any body worked with one any advice appreciated atb
  13. No dog is guarantee to work no matter what is in it it just helps if the lad with the dog has a clue what he is doing if he ant got a clue how is the dog going to have a chance a dog is worth what it is to the man who is bying it some of the best dogs ive seen graft had no names behind them be course thay have been breed for own use off old time lads who ant dont won't to be known thats why thay still have dogs not a prison sentence no one noes how them pups will tern out if you want one go get one if not leave the lad alone to sell his stock you never no thay may be better than the dogs yo
  14. Nice stamp of a animal that mate all the best with her
  15. Whould never by one of them ready made shit dogs will make it in to a pile of match sticks in no time make one yourself mate make a inclosing with steel box roof sheeting then bars on front easy to keep clean with jet wash never rot and un chew abill them ready made things look good but just dont last
  16. Why not hold on till season starts up and then get a dog you will pay more money but at least you wont be wasting your money your eyes wont lie to you if it suits you then it can only get better as the season gets on if you put the time in good look in what you decide
  17. Can he afford to lose the money he is paying for the dog if its not off someone he dont no I would never buy a older dog with out seeing it run
  18. What is the best mouth blown fox call you have used tried and tested ? And whats the closest u had a fox
  19. Chin up mate shit happens there not pets there tools to do a job have ultimate respect and wellbeing for your dogs dont let your feelings get in the way off your future good luck and happy hunting atb
  20. Its plane and simple when bying a dog go out with it see it run if its what you wont buy it if not dont buy it how hard can it be
  21. Hi looking for working ferrets must be 100 percent working will have 5* home and worked regally willing to pay for right ferrets if anyone can help please pm me South Yorkshire but willing to travel
  22. Working ferrets wanted must be 100 percent working smaller the better and non biters money waiting pm if u can help south yourkshre
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