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Everything posted by Hotdoggs

  1. Yea it's for my butty can I get bk 2 u 2 moz butt thanks Jon
  2. 12lt or 7lt 300 bar diving bottle wanted in South Wales
  3. Eny 1 selling a 12ltr diving bottle 300 bar got 2 be in test for a long Tyme willing 2 travel I've its local thanks
  4. Alryt guys I've gt a semi 3 shot shot gun escort in black wnt 2 swap it for a spring gun or a pcp gt 2 be in mint condition
  5. I've shot a cz 22 cal really good gun really injoyed it
  6. I dnt think so butt have a go u wnt know and till u find out its worthy try
  7. Hi guys I've just bought a rapid 7 in a 2.0 cal what's the best pellets 2 use or it
  8. Hi guys I'm new 2 the hunting life
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