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Everything posted by bwfc

  1. Terry Doe was trialing one about a fortnight ago,with favourable reports.
  2. Theres a Bowkett S10 on facebook at the moment £400
  3. Hers a pic of my Goldstar ive had for about 5 years now. Very accurate over 35 yards and lighter than a Weihrauch. Mines a keeper as its in immaculate condition.
  4. bwfc

    Name The Hawk?.

    Cheers guys confirmed.
  5. bwfc

    Name The Hawk?.

    On a recent trip through Scotland my brother snapped this.I thought it was a Hen Harrier but now im unsure.Can you tell me what it is please?.
  6. I just do myself a favour,i ignore them and walk on by. Too many times ive set out to help someone,and ended up wishing i hadnt bothered.
  7. I have never used one but this particular model my brother used on his APBT. He was a rescue dog with issues and he was aggresive with other dogs all the time. It took him about 6 weeks for the dog to get with the programme,and listening to commands.
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131479328982?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. If i need to dump anything i dont bother with going to the tip or a skip.I just leave it outside my front door,and hey presto in the morning its gone.
  10. Best ever cross is Staffy x Border Terrier. Meet Mouse in family mode and hunting mode. lol
  11. Don't think he said there was 'rot in his own religion' but did say that as well as extremists that would resort to violence, that there are non-violent extremists that are also a threat to our society. Don't think you'll find anyone on this site that'll disagree with that but plenty will tell you Islam is evil and all Muslims are a threat. Based on what the guy said to Marr would you agree?I agree more a lot more needs to be done by the Muslim community itself by adopting a more modern and westernised version of Islam if there's any chance of any kind of peace between Muslims and non Muslims
  12. Don't think he said there was 'rot in his own religion' but did say that as well as extremists that would resort to violence, that there are non-violent extremists that are also a threat to our society. Don't think you'll find anyone on this site that'll disagree with that but plenty will tell you Islam is evil and all Muslims are a threat. Based on what the guy said to Marr would you agree?I agree more a lot more needs to be done by the Muslim community itself by adopting a more modern and westernised version of Islam if there's any chance of any kind of peace between Muslims and non Muslims
  13. bwfc

    Panic Attacks.

    I have a pheocromacytoma,which is a tumour/growth on your adrenal gland.The adrenal gland are two glands that sit on top of your kidneys that are made up of two distinct parts. The adrenal cortex-the outer part of the gland produces hormones that are vital to life,such as cortisol(which helps regulate metabolism and helps your body to respond to stress) and aldosterone (which helps control blood pressure)' The adrenal medulla-the inner part of the gland produces non essential hormones such as adrenaline,which help your body react to stress. I can be okay one minute then literally less than a
  14. I live 2 minutes away from the pound pub in Atherton,which has been open over a year now. The pub doesnt really get any more business,people just stay in there longer. As for any trouble,i have yet to see any of that in the time the pub has been open.
  15. Rioting is the language of the ignored.
  16. bwfc

    Old Cartoons

    Not cartoons but my favourites where Fireball XL5 Joe 90 Thunderbirds Stingray Voyage to the bottom of the sea
  17. Its a Nikko Stirling MRE (multi reticle electronic). A bit gimmicky and not the best optics,but a useable scope all the same. Despite appearances its not a patch on the WTC,which seem to go for the same money these days. Having said that i did have one on my MK2 blinged Vermi,which stayed on no more than one outing,but looked ace all the same. lol
  18. Ive had several MRI and CT scans now,as ive been bad with my back since i was 30 yeas old,I carried on working for another 19 years in absolute agony,the kind you can only describe as crying pain. Now im on fortnightly injections of Humira for my back and arthiritis,£500 per injection. Simply put i will never get better only worse,but with pain management at the moment i get by doing as much as i can. By that i mean getting out of bed and trying to do normal things,like sitting down and not turning the air blue,because your stuck between pain and Opioids.
  19. https://www.(!64.56:886/video.php?v=1485632014985455&fref=nf
  20. Probably the best post you have ever written,thank you!.
  21. Nice period Kassnar here,decent Jap glass and the mag your looking for. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191494031236?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  22. bwfc

    Punch Up ?

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