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About bwfc

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 05/03/1964

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  • Interests
    Fishing,Hunting,Motorcycles,Guitars and Synthesisers.I also love to buy,sell and exchange things.

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  1. Did you get the fox problem felt delt with in the Scotland area  

  2. Terry Doe was trialing one about a fortnight ago,with favourable reports.
  3. Theres a Bowkett S10 on facebook at the moment £400
  4. Hers a pic of my Goldstar ive had for about 5 years now. Very accurate over 35 yards and lighter than a Weihrauch. Mines a keeper as its in immaculate condition.
  5. bwfc

    Name The Hawk?.

    Cheers guys confirmed.
  6. bwfc

    Name The Hawk?.

    On a recent trip through Scotland my brother snapped this.I thought it was a Hen Harrier but now im unsure.Can you tell me what it is please?.
  7. I just do myself a favour,i ignore them and walk on by. Too many times ive set out to help someone,and ended up wishing i hadnt bothered.
  8. I have never used one but this particular model my brother used on his APBT. He was a rescue dog with issues and he was aggresive with other dogs all the time. It took him about 6 weeks for the dog to get with the programme,and listening to commands.
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131479328982?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  10. If i need to dump anything i dont bother with going to the tip or a skip.I just leave it outside my front door,and hey presto in the morning its gone.
  11. Best ever cross is Staffy x Border Terrier. Meet Mouse in family mode and hunting mode. lol
  12. Don't think he said there was 'rot in his own religion' but did say that as well as extremists that would resort to violence, that there are non-violent extremists that are also a threat to our society. Don't think you'll find anyone on this site that'll disagree with that but plenty will tell you Islam is evil and all Muslims are a threat. Based on what the guy said to Marr would you agree?I agree more a lot more needs to be done by the Muslim community itself by adopting a more modern and westernised version of Islam if there's any chance of any kind of peace between Muslims and non Muslims
  13. Don't think he said there was 'rot in his own religion' but did say that as well as extremists that would resort to violence, that there are non-violent extremists that are also a threat to our society. Don't think you'll find anyone on this site that'll disagree with that but plenty will tell you Islam is evil and all Muslims are a threat. Based on what the guy said to Marr would you agree?I agree more a lot more needs to be done by the Muslim community itself by adopting a more modern and westernised version of Islam if there's any chance of any kind of peace between Muslims and non Muslims
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