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About Drebz87

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 19/11/1987

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  1. Thought I'd better re introduce myself as been off for awhile doing my own thing.. I'm dave from south west scotland. Got two lurchers: a beddie whippet and a wheaton greyhound saluki thing... and a jack russel. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1kucd3cmtduzr3/20160918_091651.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ea2ts867c9qz3s0/20160918_103557.jpg?dl=0 Thats luna loki and trixie there. Cheers.
  2. Some dogs just have fast metabolism and struggle to put weight on. Got a springer vet says be nigh on impossible to get weight on just looks skinny. Overall though healthy dog.
  3. I've just switched from eon there useless owe me 250 credit but it's like getting blood from a stone. Saying just use the credit when it's been changed to a prepay meter..... Ha. Glad to here ovo are alright joe!
  4. Who uses what supplier and why? Plus anybody using ovo?
  5. It's the way bdo goes on about a average of -90 being awesome gets to me, compared to pdc that's ridiculous... And some of the double averages they big up are a bit of a joke. I can't play darts to save myself but a professional in any sport should be better than that surely?! Anyways my tuppence worth.
  6. Or as a means of self defence. Common sense dictates safety on no round chambered...
  7. They get 300 a day for just turning up... Let that sink in even if there only there a short while......
  8. Ffs have a gander at this here. How out of touch with reality are these cnuts?! http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/if-you-want-to-see-the-gap-between-the-house-of-lords-and-reality-for-yourself-then-just-look-at-their-champagne-budget-9910611.html
  9. how long does a worming pill ake o work? pup was sick 6 hours afer worming her? do again or wha? sorr kkes on keboard no working :/
  10. Scotland were unlucky if he had got last penalty may well have been different result owel least we were not embarrassed
  11. Cheers for replies lads I knew it would maybe be detrimental looking to have both day and lamp work, I'll just soldier on and hopefully she'll improve, I'm only out dark windy nights with no moon, that's a given and her recalls spot on, just when she seems to catch a scent she's away. just wondered how you lads fix these faults?
  12. Got a 11 month old 3/4whippet 1/4 beddy that is the most biddable dog does every command but however on lamp wants to hunt up? It's got a cracking nose on her she finds things I wouldn't see day time but night time work shel follow beam few times then switch off from me and hunt up, a quick skshhhh noise brings her back I. But seems when she's had a scent she won't food the beam anymore any suggestions please? Apart from that she's a game as f**k wee dog with prey drive aplenty had few day times where she's lifted from high weeds and caught already by accident.
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