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Everything posted by Netter

  1. Tried it mate, your talking out your arse
  2. im so very very sorry please enlighten me with your vast knowledge of hunting so me my humble self can maybe learn a thing or two instead of playing with soft toys and ornaments to help satisfy my growing curiosity in dogs farmers and furry creatures as at the moment im not sure weathyer i want to kill,kiss or play naughty with them i havnt got a vast knowledge in hunting as im realititivy new to it, but i like the majority of others come on here to learn and better our knowledge in running dogs. not to read f*****g shit like this Dont read it then :wankerzo4:
  3. do you have to tie the slack in ? You don't have to, but some people do.
  4. The net needs to have slack in height and width. Most commercial nets are 5ft deep when streched, which you then set roughly 2ft high, this causes the net to bag. also for every 1 yard of set length, you need 2+ yards of net (stretched length) As in a 25yard net you actually have 50yards of netting on 25 yard long head and foot lines.
  5. I'm going to Barnsley tomorrow from Bridlington, I've got a cage I'll swap with you if you will meet me somewhere along the way.
  6. Not unusual mate in places they breed all year round, just one of them things.
  7. Weigh it mate, then go to the Royal Mail website and theres a price finder on it.
  8. I've got a brand new 25 yard hemp longnet, its got 60yds of bagging in, 2 1/4 mesh. On stainless steel end pins. I'm looking to swap with cash for a quickset net and basket, anything considered. By post or in East Yorkshire. Cheers
  9. im after a basket if no one wants it NO chance bandit, Its mine
  10. Who on here could rig me up a quickset longnet? I've 120 or 130 yards of handmade netting, 2 1/8th or 2 1/4 mesh (dont know without looking) 14 meshes deep, I thought this would make a nice 50 yarder. I've never used a quickset longnet and only seen them on film, but I have fancied one for a while. Would the netting need making deeper by adding selvedges? What would be a rough price for all the gear, poles basket etc? Also if someone could, would they give me a price for me to send the netting to them, and them send it back ready rigged? Cheers
  11. Seen loads like that mate.
  12. It is only the way it is written £25 in the till £2 in the maids skyrocket £3 paid back to the blokes = £30
  13. Woodga wrote about some dipping paint he was trying, to use the same as speed dip, I dont know how he got on though.
  14. I don't know what Holdaways snares are like, but I've seen Geordies snares and they are spot on.
  15. A lot of it depends on where you are going to use the net, I have nets made out of 4z, 6z and 10z also hand made spun nylon and hand made hemp, and I use them all if I have a big job on, and they all catch with varying degrees of success, Although my net of choice would have to be Hand Made.
  16. Any net makers interested in one as I'd swap for purse nets
  17. Do you make straight nets or just shaped?
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