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Everything posted by Netter

  1. Just goes on a normal shotgun certificate.
  2. I have a Mossburg Hushpower 3 shot pump action .410 like this: Its only had 1 box of cartridges through it, I'm wanting to swap it for a Tidy 12 bore O/U anything considered. I paid £499 for it from HERE Cheers
  3. I think thats a bit excessive mate.
  4. be beating again this year on some local shoots to get foot in the door but its not easy a lot of it boils down to trust i think and when i offered to work for nowt last year they looked at me as if i was mental and didnt take me seriously maybe this year they will see i am deadly serious about a career in gamekeeping theres no rose tinted glasses here i know the shit that comes with it Nice one Matty, Keep at it mate.
  5. They are all on there littletimmy, he's just a robber, and I thought we all should stick together, not rip each other off.
  6. I use both, though the hobs I have at the minute don't give anything time to bolt.
  7. I've reared Grey Partridges sucessfully under broody bantams.
  8. Whats the length of the barrels and the stock sean?
  9. Send it to me mate, I'll do a review for you, that way the other members on here could see if it was worth a swap
  10. Nice one, There used to be an old lad in our village who used to make all his nets that way without using a needle.
  11. Good trapping mate, but it's fairly common when you start trapping a good number of moles.
  12. Netter


    Its F**king Sickening
  13. I'm just wondering if any one who shoots the north bank of the Humber would tell me what it shoots like? Any any other general information would be greatly recieved. Cheers
  14. LOOK HERE He hasn't offered a bounty though
  15. I keep Ixworths, Light Sussex, Rhode Islands, Welsummers, and a few other bits and bobs, I've tried all of the commercial breeds, and they are very good for what they are, but I must confess to being a fan of traditional breeds. In my opinion a traditional bird, fattened slowly over time, given good wholesome grub, cannot be beaten.
  16. Ross Cobbs are the quickest to get to killing size, but if your going down the traditional breed route this is what I do. I use chick crumbs for the first 6 weeks then 2 weeks of chick crumbs mixed with growers pellets, then growers pellets full time. I feed them growers pellets in the morning, I give them vegetables/greens around dinner time, and a few handfulls of mixed corn in the afternoon. I don't use finishing pellets because the growers pellets I use say that there ok to keep them on till killing time (traditionally you had to get them off growers for a few weeks or so before time)
  17. I'm not surprised now they're getting scarce.
  18. Me too, I think most stuff improves next day or two.
  19. Overpriced. they want to be about £1.50 each.
  20. B*llocks mate, I know of people and firms who charge for rabbit control in your area, and they get paid. Why? because farmers and landowners are sick of all the cowboys going on and just messing about, they would rather pay a proffessional a price and get the job done properley, within a fixed timescale.
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