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Everything posted by johnv

  1. Was at a meeting about the reintroduction of wolves into Scotland a few years ago. The expert had come ready to put forward a case for but after traveling around the highlands went for no! The organizers were not happy. The fact wasScotland was to small for wolves. Sheep also a proplem wolves are bright their not going to chase a large fast deer when theres small wooley sheep. Its tempting though
  2. johnv

    old friends

    Might have bumped into you then I went to a few of the shows as well
  3. johnv

    old friends

    Mick used to write the ferreting colum when shooting news first started
  4. johnv

    old friends

    no body know of them? York area abot 20 yrs ago.
  5. looking for some round heads if youve got them their Oxford old english. what colour mate i am after some ginger reds or black reds not good photo will get more.
  6. looking for some round heads if youve got them their Oxford old english.
  7. Game fowl for sale stags and cockbirds .
  8. johnv

    old friends

    Looking to contact 2 old ferreting friends, Mick Travis who used to write for shooting news as it was then, and Mathew `Taffy`JENKINS HAVNT HEARD FROM THEM FOR YEARS.
  9. Wanted, border terrier bitch pup in Scotlanddue to loss of jack russell bitch. Thanks
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