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Everything posted by raindeer

  1. Looking well at him self doing good job way him well done.
  2. Indeed I did have tommy good good, though no ware neer the numbers they were 15 20 yr ago,, how things change,
  3. well well,many a seasons did my dogs run the land..
  4. Lovely pup k.c what age is that un.
  5. Pp very smart pup pal if its as good as the father you will be happy.. good luck.
  6. smashing dogs there pal how are they breed and what blood lines through them,, smart.
  7. Fine pup tommy, they long ears can run in the shire.
  8. Good read baw and you hit the nail right on the head..
  9. Greyhound lads use brood bitches that produces the goods, and yes they do lease them for a litter..
  10. what ways that work with a daytime dog over a lamping bitch WHAT EVER WAY YOU REAR THE DOG OR BITCH...
  11. what ways that work with a daytime dog over a lamping bitch :hmm:well 50%each side makes no odds if its daytie dog or night dog,,,only one person can make it night or day dog and thats YOU THE BLOMIN DOG CAN ONLY DO AS YOU TRAIN HIM,,,THATS A FACT
  12. My mate done it the other way the bitch 26tts saluki 21tt whip and for sure they were bitches in litter only made 21,22tts dogs round bout 23.one got just under 25, various sizes...
  13. well done again both parties for the final the day,take it both must be good dogs to be there
  14. A think the draws fair at end of day, 2 good dogs.
  15. Good luck to both dogs,, stop all the highp lads and let men and dogs get about their buisness in piece,and who bothers on here who wins both dogs prove themself week in week out in the field, and again one match won't say luc is better than bulldozer in one match and all dog men should no they ain't to furry athletes the same..
  16. My self I wanted a wooly dog they look a lot tougher,and would not get as much cuts from the barb wire fence, but my dad don't like em.
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