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back fill

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About back fill

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    Born Hunter

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    co down

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  1. Wally was a grandson of fogurties Sam big terrier he was 17” to the shoulder
  2. If you read the post Bryan I said most vets are in it for the coin not all You do get decent vets the same as anything some vets around me will give you a bottle of aludex of the shelf for 20 pounds while others won't give it to you without a consultation bringing the bill to near 40 to tell you what you already know for that vet to say put the dog to sleep over a prolapse as an option at all I just find ludicrous
  3. The vet that gave that advice is a wanker should have left the bitch and kept an eye to make sure she was toileting properly the prolapse would have went down in time it is cause by the bitches hormones being to high because of her season she might not have had another one in her next season and you might have been able to breed of her but I would have left her to her next season for sure before making any decision and any decent ver should have told you that most of them are just in it for the coin
  4. I have a collie beagle bitch here she is retired now at the age of 14 i hunted her up until last year and she was one of the best bushing dog I have had she had some nose on her and wood mark fox to ground going to ground . I wish I had another 1 or 2 like her now .She was rabbit mad when I got her and that was the reason I got her but I worked with her and after a season she would hunt nothing only a fox and she trained the dogs that I have now.The only unfortunate thing about her was she was spayed when I got her at 16 months or I would have a pen full of her offspring as I would class her
  5. I seen a few a few years ago while drawing a island full of cover the hounds hunted them hard before they slipped into the tide lovely sight they can fair move across rocks.Got a call out about 4 years ago to a farmer losing poultry we found an earth with cubs in went to watch it the next morning it was a female otter with 2 cubs she was taking chickens to feed them the farmer put an electric fence up sorted the problem out
  6. I have a bitch here that I have been running last season and this she never stops and gives good tongue on a line but she will hunt rabbits witch I'm trying to break her from as we hunt fox only but can't complain about her as she has the makings of a decent animal she will mark fox to ground going in and out and digging like mad.The only thing I will say mate is she won't open a quick as my beagle harriers can't hunt a line as well in the open as them. I would say it all depends what u are looking for if u only hunting to guns and want to get plenty of covers done in a day I would say they wo
  7. Thanks to all the lads that gave advice haven't heard anything back from them hopefully that will be the end of it fingers crossed
  8. It wasn't the rspca it was the animal welfare from the council
  9. The wife let them in when i was a work she gutted about it now won't happen again for sure
  10. Was thinking that myself will keep the head down for a while
  11. The c**ts have the wife up to high doe told them to fcuk of he said he was reporting me to the police
  12. What is the law on dogs with old scars had the animal well fair out today a cussing me of all sorts I have an old bitch here that is fairly marked up all fox work pm me if necessary please any advice
  13. Think I read on here the man say he bred a litter or two and then the peddlers jumped on the band wagon but could be wrong maybe he will come on and put me right.
  14. We used to do a fair bit of lamping and always used 2 dog's they were always single handed dogs but we used them in pairs for the simple reason it suited the ground we were hunting (small tight fields)
  15. It depends on the size of the slab mate if it's covering a large area you need an expansion joint (5-10 mm) if it's only small it will be fine butted to the wall hope this helps
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