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Everything posted by Wild-Bill

  1. Fair bit of breeding in him on both sides. And my bitch line bred all the way to merlin and eve on the sires side and her dam I know of a good 3-4 generations of breeding.
  2. Litter sister the same. Hates strangers. Although good as gold with any children. Which is good.
  3. Something that can run anything it bumps into on the lamp and give a good account for itself
  4. Good GSD and you won't go wrong. People see them shit themselves. And they great family dogs. ??
  5. Great offer for somebody that. Cracking looking bitch. Can she only hand say 1-2 nights a week socks? Hope you find a good home.
  6. Cracking pup that shaddy. ?? GB yours a belter to. Best of luck with them lads.
  7. I think that's always been the case mate just like the wrecking crew, how many runs do they not show? There's runs on there dvds that I think dogs iv had before the ban would catch and there's foxes I don't think my dogs would catch that there dogs do catch, morale of the story every dog has off days just like everything else but itsbdown to the owner to understand this and give the dog the benefit of the doubt, can't stand people that cull a dog before it's 18 months old a good mate of mine once had a collie bull greyhound bred out of a real hard bull grey dog to a hancocks collie grey bitch
  8. Lol has it a wolf on the front
  9. but I bet if you compare it to the "cheaper" ones, it isn't much more expensive considering how little you have to feed.How much is the Eden Roy?
  10. Pup looks bang on to me. Change vets. ??
  11. Conny and Lenny. Next one I get gunna call it something old fashioned. ??
  12. Can be a great cross imo. A lad I used to hunt with had one years back. He was a belter, one of them gamest little dogs I've ever seen and would try on every run and throw his hand to anything. Great little dog and opened my eyes to the cross. He was beddy/whippet x whippet/greyhound.
  13. Best of luck mate. That bitch looks a belter.
  14. Yup same here. Get them out after there jabs around stock, loud noises, vehicles, get them in the truck doing journeys. About 4/5 months let them start walking with the older dogs and seeing what's what. Bringing on a pup in the summer is ideal they can be out whenever you fancy and play.
  15. Excellent news. Glad he got them back.
  16. What did you line him with mate?
  17. and is your dog directly out of him? or a grandsonI thought you meant how old stan was. As that was topic title lol
  18. Be over 10 years old I bet that's if he's still alive.
  19. Thieving scumbags. Hope he gets dogs back.
  20. Nice strong stamp of dog that brin was. ??
  21. Nice bitch that dark destroyer.
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