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Everything posted by Wild-Bill

  1. I used to always go on the biggest head and most outgoing pup. But no I ain't to fussed I like the pup that's content doesn't get over fussed about situations as in people coming round is at peace with its self, and preferably a greedy pup a good eater has a much better chance at succeeding imo.
  2. Cracking litter that mate. I'd fancy the merle aswell.
  3. Last litter I bred the smallest pup made 28"... Go with your gut 100% if in doubt keep them both.
  4. Been out mooching and walking alot with a pup from this litter .. His prey drive is through the roof, he's keen as mustard, but he's also very sensible he retrieved, will jump anything, comes straight back, doesn't bother stock. Can't wait to see him go this season I think he will be a decent dog with no reverse. This litter looks a cracker and that bitch of grunters has thrown some decent pups.
  5. Nice pair mate. How's the bitch bred, looks a splash of bull in her to me, coursing dog X bull/grey?
  6. No Jacob aswell and he definently puts the graft into that dog. I would go for him as he sounds exactly why your after adding.
  7. :laugh: Good luck dai nice litter mate.
  8. Definently. For 160 notes can't go wrong. Cracking litter socks.
  9. Seen a pick of digger on here he looked very well kept. Is old benji still alive?
  10. You want to see how strong he is in front of you,but there is a bitch here that's nearly the same size and I think she would make 24ttsWhich one you keeping back pal
  11. One on the right it a belter.!
  12. Cracking stuff lurchers, them pups look well, what height are the parents? I always like the beddy cross, tons of fire and punch well above there weight. Can definitely add quality to a lurcher ..
  13. Be interesting to see how they turn out squirrel. How is the coursing bitch bred? Nothing wrong with Collie in a lurcher imo, most of the ones I have seen have been game for most quarry to. My oldman use to keep a lot of collie crosses and he swore by them, i always say usually people who don't like collie crosses have less brain than the collie lurcher hence the hatred lol, but on a serious note they defo like marmite.
  14. Nice them mate. Best of luck with sale
  15. Good stuff mate, nice dog that turning out well. How tall is he now
  16. That black bitch is a credit to you mate, just my cup of tea she is.
  17. Work 5-6 days a week. It's hard going as I mostly up and out early so if I lamping like to be home for 2 max. Done a few where got in and gone straight to work, i try finish early in winter to take dogs out before it goes dark. But work for my family business so fairly lucky and flexible.
  18. Best of luck with litter dai. Could make some very handy alrounders.
  19. She's looking well. Seen her graft, top notch.
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