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Everything posted by Wild-Bill

  1. Crackers them. Love the white dog.
  2. Nice pup and handy breeding. As for names is fancy something like Bolt, zip or hunter.
  3. Very smart Logan. Quality litter.
  4. I think he's more or less half cross mate , he's 12 months 25/64 bull lol i thinkThe best percentage lol nearly right i like a 49/128 adds that bit more speed without sacrificing too much stamina your what's app broke?
  5. I think he's more or less half cross mate , he's 12 months 25/64 bull lol i thinkThe best percentage lol
  6. I think he's more or less half cross mate , he's 12 months
  7. Maxhardcore has just bred a chancey litter the dam is direct splodge X fettle. Be interesting to see them when they're fully fledged and up and running.
  8. Turning into a cracker mate. Lovely pup.
  9. Good few lads on here have stuff off razor, I have a bitch myself he throws a nice sturdy animal
  10. They look great Frankel. They done much yet?
  11. Nice stampOf bitch that. I bred a litter saluki/whippet/grey to a 3/8 bull bitch. They made decent dogs ...
  12. That's a nice pup snap shot. I will download some Pictures of his litter brother later.
  13. Nice mate. Best of luck. We having a young un off him, hoping for good things next season. Atb
  14. Good stuff Trev. Excellent videos keep them Coming .
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