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Everything posted by Wild-Bill

  1. Got a couple these myself they seem the dogs bollocks and a steal at the price. Good fitting on them aswell.
  2. Sire was billy wasn't it. And the dam lightning if I remember right?
  3. Nice animal that shaddy. Where was he bred pm if prefer.
  4. Lovely truck that mate. Someone gunna ge a decent motor by sounds of it
  5. I quite like the sound of the red led worth a shotAm sure he had red led one doesn't he? I've got it here can flick red to white but I just use it for the red filter for calling and spotting.
  6. How was he on the bunnies katchum? 33" Jesus that's some size dog.
  7. When are you after the pup fella? Hope you find what your after someone should no of something.
  8. Cracking stamp of dog that mate. Turned out a belter.
  9. Glad for some positivite news out of it mate. Best of luck
  10. A decent line bred Bull lurcher should do the trick for ya mate. Get one bred from the right stuff they will have plenty enough pace aswell. I have no experience of them staghounds but I don't see why they wouldn't be bang on for the job.
  11. Sorry for your loss mate. Something I ain't heard of either. Chin up fella
  12. Like that little black bitch bunnies. What height you hoping she turns out around 20/21"?
  13. Wales1234 she's a cracking looking bitch and sounds like she's coming on perfect. You'll have some fun with that next season mate. ??
  14. Fully recommend lloydy collars. Got a couple delivered ordered one night here day after. Top fast service and collars top notch. ?? Clean easy which is perfect after a nights work come winter.
  15. Let them breed and give your dogs a rest. That's always been the way. End of Feb max for me. If you got pups on get them around all types of live stock jumping fences ditches all sorts of mooching around. Get them used to everything and ready for the winter coming. Call outs are fair enough and certainly won't wipe out next seasons sport. Don't no if it's just me but after a hard season I look forward to relaxing myself and nothing serious. Couldn't be f****d out hunting in concrete ground and red hot sun.
  16. Hard luck jigsaw. Sometimes it meant to be at that time. Would you try the same dog again? Maybe he is firing blanks.?
  17. Fancying highland lodge, defiantly red & the last samuri. Think defintly red will win.
  18. That's a lovely shepherd that mate. ??
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