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Everything posted by GreyRake

  1. Back pack for me at the moment, nets and the rest, batteries, knife, coat etc. Ferret box on one shoulder, quickset basket the other and nets over my back. I've bought a duffel bag with a shoulder strap for future though, once I've built a ferret box for the centre compartment I'll put the nets in the side pockets.
  2. Could maybe try some of minkenrys techniques
  3. Hope you find them. How far away was the poley?
  4. Grey squirrel control using martenry would be fun
  5. 1.7 meter long, 3 floor cage. They get let out for an hour a day. Water changed twice a day, food as they need it. Mine use litter boxes so pour out and refill at least once a day. Cage floors scrubbed and bedding changed once a week.
  6. Yeah ferrets are used for rat control
  7. Had a jill that was a nasty cow, went in bad moods of repeated hissing and biting to hurt, she did seem a bit mad. Came good by a year old. Her brother was soft from day one though. I let them out everyday and if she bit me she was locked in the carrier for five minutes. If she went into a full on bad mood she was put back in the cage for the day. She learnt and matured and is fine now.
  8. Sure someone will have beaten me to it but if your struggling let me know.
  9. Was at a farm on Saturday on a flood plain, floods in all the dips of the fields and not many rabbits anymore. Time for new higher ground.
  10. Yeah castration should do the trick. I used to have a castrated hob that still did it, but that's not common, maybe the vet missed a bit lol. If you want to keep the hob intact you could get him implanted, double check me on this but I'm sure the implant has all the same effects as castration but is temporary, lasts a year or two I think. Can be pricy though unless you shop around.
  11. I like one of each, but the jills get most of the work. Mine also have food in the cage 24/7. I do take some kibble in the carrier box for my fat greedy hob to stop him snacking on rabbit during the day.
  12. They can be taught to use a litter box but most of them don't make the 100% on target grade. Some old lino would protect the wood from the stray craps and could be moped down when cleaning.
  13. I'm using a small spade, not a folding though, does the job but takes a little longer, 4 foot + and I'm wishing I had the big one with me. But it sits on the quickset basket on top of the poles nicely and doesn't weigh much at all.
  14. There is no need at all, anyone could get a working ferret for a fiver and if they liked a specific ferret they could enquire about a kit from it. What's worse is these people will probably dump it after the seasons done, they clearly don't intend on looking after ferrets out of season or they would already have their own. Think I'll get mine microchipped.
  15. Good question, had wondered that myself and assumed it was best not to mix them but there you go, will crack on next time!
  16. Had someone take a photo of the car then go storming off towards the farm house a few weeks ago. Hope they went red in the face.
  17. The mods are sound on here, they will probs check it out themselves haha
  18. Sometimes I just rough them up a bit, sends them crazy, at risk of a nip though haha
  19. Also if your going to cut them, don't cut so short you cut into the quick - the darker reddish bit inside the nail, as that's part of their blood flow. Would cause pain and bleeding. Just trim.
  20. Cut mine, read it can hurt their feet if the nails so long it touches the ground first and pushes the toe up.
  21. Plastic bags always gets them fired up!
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