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Everything posted by GreyRake

  1. Like the guys have said DOCs are good occasionally, but from what I've read it's not enough for their full diet needs.
  2. glad someone had a good season, my biggest bag was 4 last season, but its not really the numbers i go for, not everyone has the permission with big numbers or even room to keep a spare freezer to keep the spare in for the spring/summer when feeding kits, people are in different situations, Seriously mate...it is each to their own...I'm just stating the way I do things here... Tell you what though, if throughout the season I can't put enough surplus flesh away to feed a couple of litters of ferret kits I'll hit this game on the head and take up origami... .... And pass your permis
  3. I've never used long nets but plan to get one or more for next season. Like you I quite fancy short nets, just because I don't want to be carrying loads everywhere. I might get a few short nets, carry one with me and keep the rest in the car and bring them all to specific spots after I've had a look.
  4. Is there a big difference between a eu polecat and a ferret? never seen an eu before They look much the same as a polecat coloured ferret.
  5. I doubt an older ferret would try and eat one but if it did it could end up with lungworm.
  6. Yep, a once weekly wash. Rotate two lots of bedding around... Three if you want to use the bed smelling fleeces to put them off shitting in unwanted places.
  7. True, don't need much bedding in this weather. My b*****ds are spoilt haha, have a memory foam mattress on the bottom hahaha should have seen the GFs face when I came home with that. Wood pellets are the cheapest and most preferd ferret litter. Newcomers may dig in it but should get board after a while. Main thing is to pin the tray down somehow. Older ferrets can be hard to 100% train but kits are a breeze given the time. From then on they train each other. Just stick it where they go and move the missed craps into it, should almost do the job. Can't beat a daily pour then refill, 1 minut
  8. Your not wrong jamesmc. But good read comanche. Ferret sex is more or less rape, so I'm sure a female mustelid could get mated by a horney hob, despite a few bites to the face. Plus with them being so closely related perhaps the parts will match closely enough. I've herd of mink hybrids loads, yeah most likely infertile. Stoats not so much. But why not weasels, just for the size? Surely that would suit the micro fans? Greyhound ferrets is it? But overall, seeing as I need to trust them crawling over my head.... I think I'll stick to the 2000+ year domesticated ferret that has litt
  9. Yeah, I'd never even attempt to keep an entire hob indoors. I've enough of a battle with a eunuch and two jills haha, I won't argue with the guys who say they belong outdoors hahaha, it's an on going battle.... But playtimes are good fun if litter trained.... Anyway that being said, if you can use fleeces (or towels/tshirts) and then just shake and machine wash it should save you money in the long run. They dry quick as after if hung on the line.
  10. Mine are kept indoors, perhaps there's a risk of you smelling musky (iv had no bad feedback, but my hob has no balls) but I stress pet fleeces are the way to go, poundland or whatever. Fleeces just need shaken then machine washed, easy. Fleeces for the nest box, a hammock for the heat, lino for the floor and a plastic box for the shit. Think that's my set up for life, indoor, or out....
  11. You are right. But I do find it interesting. Most I could do is a 50-25% EU in a big run.... And that's not happening anytime soon. The working line of domestic ferret does the job nicely though, no need.
  12. Some of that stuff posted on there is funny and some should be banned ,but as long as you dont take it serious its okay Most of it is ok, theres one guy that goes out with his sons and makes good, simple, videos, even my vegetarian girlfriend, cough, what? Haha, likes it. But generally you can learn about various nets and ways to set them, finders and sometimes dogs on Youtube. Worth a look. If you want a few links let me know. Side note, there's an old short video of a docked ferret hassling rabbits underground. How they filmed this I don't know. Glass against a man made burrow or s
  13. Ferreting, a human friendly animal that wants to chase/attack rabbits, but isn't very good at finishing the job, only to scare them out the hole, perfect. Hybrids are very interesting though, give me reading material please!
  14. Love to read about crosses, I wouldn't take one though. That link shows a mink. If your going to somehow manage a hybrid, be prepared to dig often and then take prey from a defensive animal.
  15. If she even gets close to matching my original jill, I'll be a happy man I'll let you know-how that goes
  16. Just go nuts on youtube. Loads of stuff there.
  17. A dose of the jill jab that the vet opens will do about four jills, but it needs to be disposed of 24 hours after opening. I get in contact with my vet and have mine done on the same day as other people to reduce the cost to about £20. Otherwise, yeah, it will cost you £50+ to have it opened for one jill and then thrown away. There should maybe be a sticky thread on this forum about jills in heat, V-hobs, jill jabs and chips etc because I hear about alot of people thinking they need to breed their jill to stop her from dying.
  18. Just to back me up Scroll down to - The life cycle of the ferrets eyes. http://www.cypresskeep.com/Ferretfiles/Body-Eyes-FM.htm But found the whole page interesting.
  19. Might be bull shit, but read earlier the eyes can open earlier if they are handled more, strange fact.
  20. My bad .... Can't see on the photo, look close and tell me what letter/number is beside the parts in question on the pcb itself, ex - IC1/R6, should be able to help you more. Com4 looks like an inductor but can't say for sure - L#? Sorry, just re-read how you can't see labeling because it's washed off, you might have a tricky project there. I take it your looking for someone else who owns an Mk1 to tell you what codes are on the parts and PCB?
  21. It's a 14 pin IC (leg number is important with IC names) there will be a code along the top made up of letters and numbers, usually the longest code on the top that matters. You will need that to source more. Theres a good chance those ICs will be programmed which might be tricky to copy. Poke around some electronic component supplier websites to get more familiar with your parts. Faranell is a popular uk based supplier.
  22. You need to be talking to land owners, they will let you know if there's rabbits and if they will allow you to ferret there.
  23. Think you can buy a device that let's out a high pitch squeal, to high for humans to hear, that hurts a cats ears, keeps them away in theory.... But I guess it could irritate the ferrets too.
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