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darren m

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Everything posted by darren m

  1. welcome claire - thats a lovely pair you have there :kiss: nice size , is the right one slightly bigger than the left . by the way , thats the GSD ,s i ,m talking about for all you filthy minded people
  2. No No i smell of hob most of the time in the day sounds interesting Whats that face for Kay -- the mind boggles at what your up to with your hobs all day
  3. interesting never seen them , could you post a pic of them including the tin
  4. No i smell of hob most of the time in the day sounds interesting
  5. i like the smell :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: does that make me a weirdo
  6. LL -- which pellet you useing , what cal is it .
  7. hi -- who here shoots or as shot either of these rifles in the .177 cal . i,m just wondering which pellets you found most suitable in the BSA barrels . any comments welcome cheers ...
  8. darren m


    Hunter -- has allready said , DONT even consider shooting at a fox with an air rifle even in fac it would not be advisable . minium use a shotgun/ rimfire at close range or 223 , 308 etc for longer shots . for bunnies etc i like the HW97 under lever , used to have a venom tuned one , brill
  9. had a quick look in the nest box , watched them rolling around , they are sooooo cute , there all different shades of polecat theres at least one of each sex , and some are bigger than others ie head sizes fullness , i,m guess these may me male . i hope there mostly females i want to keep 2 jills for myself . re sexing -- will try and do it tomoorow night after work just had the jill out again for some handling not so nippy , but she did try and leg it out the garden maybe shes just exploring . RE -- food hording , is she collecting it for the kitts or am i feeding her too mu
  10. no sorry -- i meant inquisative ( sp ), like shes looking for something . sites good and smells good too . when i feed her she sometimes stores it in a peice of drain pipe like shes stock pileing , but shes only started doing that this week . i,m sure she will be fine ( hopefully ) seems just a bit frantic , wont hold still in my hands like she used to , trys to nip me so i put her down . maybe just her hormones i dont know .
  11. shes still very protective over them , although i get her out 3 times a day . she runs round , into everything , like shes looking for food OR escape i pick her and shes seems hyped up and will nip , BUT on saying that , she was great when i first got ( before the kitts arrived ) could put my finger in her mouth no probs , handling was great . i hope to god returns back to her calm self Darren .
  12. F L - same question , but mine are 3 weeks now and i still have,nt sexed them , what should i do Kay , wait another week or just go for it . thanks
  13. BB -- How much for 10 x 10 oz nets from joe , i have one sample and they are v.well made , thinking of getting 10 . cheers
  14. i can get easy access to hay and straw from the stables, but i was thinking more on along the lines of paper because of fleas , ticks and mites . i can get paper from my sister work place but its all cross cut . how much does a shredder cost ??? Darren .
  15. where can you get shredded paper in bulk , the pet shop sells a tiny bag for £1 each
  16. as new , 14" ratcatcher barrel in .22 cal , ideal for converting your 2240/ratbuster pistol from standard 7" barrel for more shots and power . £20 posted.. many thanks
  17. look on the back cover of this weeks country man weekly , some good looking boxs and cheap , theres even a realtree cammo design .
  18. thanks for post the pics ferretlove -- sorry you cant see the kitts very well , but aint they dark , hope there all polecats there 2 1/2 weeks old now and today the odd one or two have ventured out of the nest , not for long though , mum soon had them by the scruff and dragged them back .
  19. richie -- still not turned yet mate , but not to worry , thanks for trying anyway . all the best Darren .
  20. ok Ash cheers , the jills a polecat , but no idea what the hob was . will have to wait and see .
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