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darren m

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Everything posted by darren m

  1. eyes are starting to open today :thumbs-up: now the fun starts , they,ll be chaseing me around all over . preping a few more rabbits for the freezer , running out of mince beef so think i,ll give them a gutted and skined rabbit for super . or do you think i should leave the coat on .
  2. molly -- how old are the kitts in the pic . is the jill still feeding them . Gibby - same question is the jill still feeding them . my jill still has plenty of milk in her udders / teats , when will she stop producing . thanks all
  3. 5 hobs 6 jills 90 hobs 65 jills
  4. right the dried food soaked in lactol is going down fine , and i,m putting mince beef on the other dish , there water in a plastic chicken type feed thingy , and a small bowl of lactol milk . how does that sound ?. questions -- how do you get the kitts to take the water , will they just find it , when will the mum stop supplying the milk At what age will they be able to have a whole rabbit carcass to munch on THANKS AGAIN .
  5. so how do you do it , my collie wont leave them alone ,
  6. pvc . - i,ve used the cloth tape on me rapid and shooties before , but it soon gets grubby , specialy if you get a bit of blood on your fingers . pvc looks good :thumbs-up: not too shiney . how many rolls you use . will it come off ok .
  7. just moved my jill and kitts into there new quarters , a 7x5 shed , theyve got the whole floor area . i though it would be nice and eriee for them , but later today when i checked on them the jill was having a bad time , she looked so lethargic and could hardly lift her head i thought she was going to croak. i can only think it is too hot in there for them , god knows what i,m going do now there cage was getting too small for all 12 of them . i took her in the house let her recover , she was fine , put some frozen pop bottles in and then took out one of the shed windows to let some air i
  8. took windows out to day and replaced with mesh , hopefully stay cooler now to get some ferret toys and amusments Blando -- that looks like the ferret equilivant to Alton towers you have , can you do us some close up pics of your toys :thumbs-up:
  9. big eddie -- looks brill mate , which tape have you used on it , is it the cloth one something else . cheers
  10. just tidying up my old shed , i was wondering about the windows also take em out or leave them . also wondered , will ferrets be able to climb up inside the shed worried that they will get onto the shelves and dive bomb each other . thanks
  11. what the type called that the chap users in the coney catchers videos just looked at the link , i think its a round pointed digging shovel . any good ????
  12. just rescued one that was chokeing he had a too bigger piece of chicken stuffed in his gob along with a few shavings , lucky i happened to look in . i think i,ll get the blender out , dried food porridge sounds a good idea . got a few packs of ox heart in freezer , would this be ok or too rich . thanks again
  13. the kitts are 4 weeks old today , the jills moved them all into the bottom half of the cage ,( may be its cooler or she was worried about the ramp them falling etc ). Any way there eyes are still closed but there on the move , i,ve notice a few of them eating the jills meat ( mince beef , chicken ) , so they must have started weaning . i need to know what combination of foods to give them ( have got dried JWB , raw chicken , mince beef , liver , rabbit ). does it need to be mashed up blended etc . will they still be getting liquids from the jill . any suggestions welcome thanks
  14. damn -- the link to the pics dont work any one belong to the elite club of the undead yet ....
  15. 24 hours later.... how they doing Kay ...
  16. you are more than welcome tell me why are you called sheperdess ??
  17. Thanks HJ -- thats what i was thinking of . do you know what there called any one else
  18. how you just won a fiver then ??? thanks for the pic link .
  19. which spade mainly for ferreting . there loads at the diy stores , but which is best . i,ve used a folding type when out ferreting with a mate last season , but i remeber that was bloody hard work , so now i,m looking for one myself ... post a pic if you can , so i know what i,m looking for . thanks
  20. good luck :thumbs-up: with the little un ...
  21. why was you reading about breastfeeding your not planing on no no never mind . like the pic at the bottom , got any dates for it . Darren .
  22. oh right look like hollow points , whats there accuracey like oh right look like hollow points , whats there accuracey like
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