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darren m

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Everything posted by darren m

  1. i,m using a 7x5 shed , shavins and hay on the floor a sleeping box and loads of pipes and stuff to climb over. mad - did you say you had a ferret wheel in the court , where did you get it please mate . Darren .
  2. cheers lads for the tips . gibby which finder did you get the sticker for 15ft or 8ft i,m after 8 ft and did,nt think they made them any more
  3. i,m looking for a mk1 ferret locator wheel sticker the one that shows depths , any one know where i can get one or has one they can spare . thanks
  4. if i cant get out to shoot a few , i get a bag of scraps from my local market butcher , theres usually loads of fat on it though , so have to spend an hour triming it , failing that i have to buy a bit of mince , maybe i should invest in a mincing machine , wonder how much they cost !!
  5. yep - a jill , hob and the mother jill , there all coming on great , the 2 kitts look like little brown bears. if i knew how to post pics i would
  6. just like to say that all the kitts have now found good homes . thanks to all . cheers
  7. is there such a thing as a wild ferret ???. any where in the world . we all talk about , what they would do in the wild etc . but is there or was there ever such a thing , unless you count , stoat , weasel , mink etc .
  8. what do you all think about lactol or kitten milk for nursing jills ???. i know not natural but , if calcium is vital is it a good idea . my jill and kitts ( 12 ) all were fed on it as a supplement up to 8 weeks old and there all thriving well , in fact too well , there huge in comparision with others i,ve seen .
  9. yep polecat colour , and there all gone now , many thanks to all .
  10. me and the family will be there , both daughters ride with the south notts
  11. my mate told me he once had to dig down to 8 feet to recover his ferret . he said he was in a trench well above his head and was shitting it incase it clapsed in on him , any way the little fert suddenly appeared at the top of the hole looking down on him , he was,nt too pleased
  12. As above , is on this sunday at epperstone kennels , terriers , lurchers etc will be there .
  13. re -- the bottom of cage -- i use large black plastic tray from the garden centre . mine looks a similar size to your base , it looks like a massive cat litter tray , mine cost £7 i think . they come in about 4 different sizes . dead easy to clean and wash down .
  14. 3 jills , 3 hobs , all polecat , 9 weeks today . well handled , all eating carcass etc . need new homes asap . free to good homes . i,m in NOTTINGHAM . ng12 . if interested give me a pm . thanks
  15. so you dont recommend me keeping my 3 jills together then
  16. strange all the jills look like the mum , and all the hobs are darker so like dad .
  17. i had 12 in the same run , and when one kicks off fighting they all kick off , its like a battle field , but there all fairly equal in size so not too worried . ive spent hours watching them play , and after they all snooze together no probs . no blood so far , only mine
  18. poley kitts 8 weeks old 3 hobs , 3 jills left . nice colours well handled, eating rabbit carcass . good homes needed . i,m in south notts just off A52 . cheers
  19. lovely colours - what was the daddy
  20. i was thinking of trying my collie bitch , shes keen and hates/loves rabbits what do you think , any one use a pure collie for this work .
  21. same here -- having these kitts to feed is a good excuse to get out and shoot some good organic food for them . gave up skinning old bucks
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