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darren m

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Everything posted by darren m

  1. got exactley the same thing with my 3 ferts , at first i thought it was mites or fleas , so treated them for it , but the scabs ( one each behind the shoulder blades ) are still there . so after watching them a bit longer relised or think that they are from over aggressive play . so i now use sudacrem which is mild antiseptic along with a barrier effect , seems to be working , i will have to split them eventually , but dont want to yet .
  2. i use RM secial del , but never ever tell them whats in the parcel
  3. well i bought one and gave it a tune , and i,m well pleased . wood is brill , some sort of walnut , 10" barrel and a chunky silencer out the box was a bit twangy , but with a bit of moly and some smoothing of surfaces , it shoots like a venom
  4. steve pope at V-mach for the full lazaglide tune or BAR ( blackpool air rifles ) for a stage 1 kit . had both well worth doing
  5. if i ever manage to sell the spitfire i,ll have it off you. use to have one ages ago , nice little rifle, would love another
  6. stu - nice looking outfit mate , how does it shoot ?
  7. ferretone -- must get some . have you ever seen it in the pet shops or pet superstores thanks
  8. any one tried or own a cometa fenix 400s carbine , what do you think of this gun . many years ago i had a cometa 300 seris and did,nt like it at all , but these 400's look well nice . anyone
  9. come on lads this is a real bargain carbine version , full service all new internals at BSA ( receipt ), .177 cal pre-charge . what more could you ask for , for that price .
  10. can you tell me whats the best way , and which cutters to use please . also do all four feet need to be done or just the front set . just done mine 3,s and what a job , got bit a few times and the poor things got really stressed. is there an easy way . thanks
  11. still for sale if interested i will sell gun only
  12. back up for sale -- i was going to keep her after using the spit all last week , just so easy and nice to use but alas i,ve decided to buy a springer as i no longer have one but have other pcp,s . anyway still for sale if anyones interested reduced price a little £185 posted for the combo or £150 posted gun only . OR swaps for a decent spring gun . thanks all .
  13. thank richie -- my thought exactly. but no worries the gun is now SOLD to JAYD .
  14. what do you think of the gas ramed lightning
  15. thanks for the pm s lads , but i dont really want to post if i can help it . still for sale someone knock on my door with £190 and its yours i,m just off the A52/A46 notts
  16. no sign of fleas , not moulting , there is a waxy orangey brown (well) wax in there ears . got some spot on for rabbits g.pigs etc from the pet superstore , have applied it 2 xpipets to the hob and 1 x pipets to each jill . do i need to do any thing else . if it is mite how long before it will work ( i not sure if it is though) . should i have bathed them first . any one got directions to ferret skin conditions or a pic of some thing similar . thanks all for your help
  17. yea i did,nt notice the scratching at all at first , but looking at the marks and then seeing them do it now . how would i know if its mites or fleas , what am i looking for . re- thornit ear powder i have some for my dogs already , but regarding the ferret whats recomended to do with it . ie put in ears or on fur .
  18. thanks WAG that was not very helpful but any way , i think £200 is still a fair price , the gun cost me £315 ( yeah i know diff shpos charge diff prices for these ). as you say CLA was cancelled , nothing i can do about that . still here wanting a new home cheers
  19. hi all i need help -- looks like i,m going to have to visit the vet now all 3 ferts have this skin condition , right between the shoulders , thats where its worse , probably cause they where they can reach for a scratch but what is it ????? i cant see anything , but somethings making them itchy can some one give me any ideas , what are the symptoms of mites , fleas etc and how could they catch them , or what else could it be . apart from this they are v.well . some one must have experience of such things please advise me thanks in advance
  20. got a hatsan semi-auto 12 gauge in the for sales if any ones looking for a cheap semi . cheers
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