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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. Bout the best one i've read on the subject but as Phil said, loads of good reading on here. ?
  2. No Ray, just the bitch now... My family has seen to her and my other dog, spending long times in the house, and though I never wanted it, like with Daniel's dogs, we all share the upkeep. For me, i've enjoyed it all, so far and the Lurcher has had me smiling much more than frowning, which is why I wrote the original post. Mine still live out, I'm still allergic and it's easier but when we're home they are in, they are clean too and as I said I'm enjoying the comedic antics of this lurcher no end. ?
  3. Looks like a plastic flooring, that'd make them spot on for hygiene. Propper yard to move em round in too ?
  4. No mate she isn't my first either, but I did have them long enough ago not to appreciate their quirks. Though she lives outdoors, it's bringing one into a family environment that's made all the difference for me. Before, they were just working dogs. Don't get me wrong, some things have been emotional, she's no dream dog, but I can really appreciate her and it certainly is educational. ?
  5. Cheers Phil, I recon your spot on with that. ? I, like you have come to appreciate great working dogs, down the line, when there's been enough time and action to appreciate what you do for each other... This little girl's had a different start, she's more of a family dog than I've ever owned before and my wife and daughter see that she lives that side to the hilt and it's from that, that I've got to see all her quirks. She has me in stitches most days. Thing is, in the field I'm equally impressed and so with both sides to her, I can enjoy her even more... ?
  6. This dogs other job is a comedian. I've never owned a dog in 55 years that makes me laugh so much.... From her vocal yodelling when trying to 'talk' to us, to the pure stupidity and antics around the house and those daft looks we get... Mabel, you really have won me over...
  7. I like em, but as been said, the ones with box sleepers. Yours are a nice size too, I'm on a couple of game dog pages on FB and some of the ones of a similar style to yours are like rabbit hutches, real poor, in both size and construction, some even belonging to 'legends' of the breed. To be honest, some of the kennel set-up's I've seen game dogs in are damn right shocking, I'd be shamed to show them and i really feel for the dogs. Though I'm sure plenty are the same over here, but folk keep em under wraps..! Your kennels are real smart Wolfdog, but I think that style kennel len
  8. Yer, that's about right, it's been a frustrating start but when she tunes in she's on a different level. Thankfully I can see her improving with almost every run and for what she is, i have faith... ?
  9. Yer, I get that... Cheers ?
  10. I get that Phil, i really do, but no different than any other cross, the base breeds have got to be sound stock. Right now there are ten ton of Beddy crosses (mainly Whippet types) being bred by sellers trying to 'cash in'... And I'm quite sure most are useful. What passes for a Beddy cross, ain't always so... My current hound could/would pass for heavy Beddy blood but there's only a drop in her, many, many years ago. She's proving to be real handy but she ain't a Beddy cross... No different than your pastoral crosses, the base blood has got to be sound for lines to continue and
  11. The lurcher I always wanted as a kid, I'd read Rogues & Running Dogs and it was the Beddy cross 'review' that suited me most. Though growing up I don't think I ever seen one in this city, every other type but no Beddy X's, so my dream ended there and i moved on. ? It's still the one cross that I'd like to own, one day. An F1 Beddy/Greyhound out of a hard bitten, working underground Beddy, if they still exist... ? Sadly, I honestly don't think that'll ever happen. I believe that that dog i read about in that book long ago is doomed. Not because there isn't a genuine interest
  12. The Last Duel Been wanting to watch this one since it came out but there was a bit too much hype and that tends to make me back off a bit... Anyways, finally got to watch it and dispite so many reviews saying it was 'slow' etc, I quite enjoyed it. It's a Ridley Scott film, so what's not to like..? Based on a true story. It's not meant to be a sword fighting, epic battling, tale about some fanciful hero and a beautiful heroine but rather a story about a woman of the time and the chivalry, or the lack of it, that some men posess. That said, there is gore enough, if that's what you
  13. It's a good film but I felt cold for the entire time I watched it....
  14. Think I read somewhere that Gary's Spud may have had summat more in the mix... ?
  15. Getting that thing hung up made all the difference there I recon... I gather all that fur has got to be cut away and none can be pulled? Looked some weight in the pelt too..! Nice bit of film, thanks for putting it up ?
  16. Liked 'ol June Brown, they don't make em like her anymore.... RIP
  17. Straw bedding - Winter Shavings bedding - Summer
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