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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. Never seen any of the native snakes, feel like I need to rectify that too... Hunting the Formby dunes as a kid we'd always come across sand lizards and natterjack toads. Wonderful shy creatures, I hope they are doing well there, now that stretch of dunescape is choc full of people daily..?
  2. Yeah, first cross and a one off ?
  3. The older I get, the more I avoid people in the field and my dogs become more antisocial.... ?
  4. Our Ronda, she hunts like a hound, kills like a terrier, works close like a spaniel and has the heart of a bull blood. Gonna miss this weirdo when she goes...
  5. I've not done the wire thing with fruit trees (there's a name for it) but I now give my old apple tree a prune to stop anything growing vertical. I take off everything growing up twice a year, keeping all horizontal branches and tie some in, to force growth that way. It's an old tree, in a 1930's ex Corpy house, so I think they were put in when built as there 'was' one in every garden. I think it looks great in the garden now, much better than the straggling verticle branches it once had, and the fruit up in the gods. Both in blossom and full fruit its stunning, everything is hand pa
  6. I remember reading Ted Walsh's Lurchers and Longdogs back in the late 70's. In the book Ted says, "The lurcherman should always carry a good knife. Puma make good knives". That quote has stuck with me all this time, and I love hunting knives of all sorts, especially Puma knives. And yet, I've never owned one... ??
  7. I'll strip this one down a bit when it gets warmer, but not too much, I like that trampy look....
  8. On a scale that goes from rip-roaring fun, to deep depression. I think most people idle between 'not upset' and 'not too upset'...
  9. Can't better that and totally agree. I find wolves far more interesting than say, big cats etc...
  10. Calm With Horses Film4 I post here when a film has genuinely stirred me, and this one really did... The story of Arm, an ex boxer and now an enforcer, for a criminal family in rural Ireland. Trying to provide and be a father for his autistic son and with his ex still in his heart. A film about divided loyalty. It's stark, gritty, poignant and a compelling watch. With the lead played by Cosmo Jarvis, an American actor, who is superb in the part, though for me Barry Keoghan, who plays the menacing Dymphna, steals the show. It's the Director Nick Roland's debut film
  11. The owner used to on here, putting pics up... 'The Dealer' dog always reminded me of the older 'The Real McCoy' dog. Both were very similar, big headed, well grafted and had a 'The' stuck in front of their name.... Wonder how much blood is left from both dogs... ?
  12. If I was digging to terriers I'd always go Fell Boots, though if I wanted something 'more comfortable' I'd go for Glockners or another heavy duty mountain boot. If it was just lurcherwork and general winter hunting then them Hiax are decent enough for the price, or half decent Karrimor from Sports Direct (loads to choose from). For summer hunting get yourself some of them Nike Air Max. Superb over hard ground and will see you skipping when your Bull cross is near crippled.... ?
  13. Bosun11


    Stung by the NHS today... Just over 12 months ago I was percribed blood pressure tablets by my GP. Went on the pre-payment scheme as it made cost effective sense. What I didn't realise is that it required renewal on the 10th of December last year. My local pharmacy know me well enough to know I'm on the scheme when collecting and on the 4th January this year, I went in to collect. Got the usual 'oh, your pre-pay' to which I, none the wiser, replied yes, was handed my prescription and off I went... Next prescription was in March, different girl behind the counter and she asked if
  14. Top draw mate, gonna give that a whirl... What I didn't mention is that I did 'brine' that pork for 12 hours before cooking. Brining is a game changer on large joints imo. Cheers for those extras though..?
  15. I seen it somewhere and googled the image. Think there's loads of stuff out there with that quote on it ?
  16. Never easy mate, sorry for your loss
  17. Cheers Borr ? They were some sort of new potato (can't remember!), sliced lengthways. I par boiled em as pork loin don't take too long. The pork I pierced it all over and pushed in garlic cloves and made a rub of salt, brown sugar, cumin, smoked paprika and lemon juice. It was really good. Slivers of soft garlic in almost every slice. Gonna try a leg of pork the same way next time. ?
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