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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. I recon that would make a great read, there certainly was some characters in the selling game back then... ? Think there were a few high-street suppliers of those oblong type lamps, as Bird Catcher said, Argos did them and I remember getting one from Halfords. One of them came with a red filter too...? ?
  2. It's always good when you can pick out summat rare. Seen a couple of Dandy Dinmonts and would love to see one doing a bit of ratting....
  3. Wow... Rare as rockinghorse shite. Though I'm sure that'd be a kc one and not 'directly' bred from former working stock. I always wonder how the kc hounds (fox, harrier etc) would react if they were in a pack. Would their instincts make them happier if they were so, or do humans just take that roll.. ?
  4. Blue Eyes Black Eyes and Clear Eyes All great lamps back in the day. They also did a smaller version that was real handy in some specks. Tough as old boots too. ?
  5. Talking to the bloke who mowes the grass on our local footy field, its a week next Saturday... Can't wait... ?
  6. The kid next door to me goes an gets one... One of them deerhound/greyhound/collie/ Beddy/Saluki/bull type things, that usually level out quite nice (did I miss out whippet!?) It's a dog, and at nearly a year old, 'can't quite control itself around his newly aquired family'.... And 'levelled' a walker on the beach, just by it boisterous ways... Damn shame really, poor fecker just wants to run, seen it growing up... This stunning blue thing, would look magnificent behind quarry, given half the chance⁰ Got asked to find it a home, but I hate playing the middle man... Dam
  7. Never paid any thought to feet if the dogs fit...
  8. I gather that hemet should/did have a strapping head guard/fitting at the beginning of its life? Either that, or you have the head size of that bloke in the waiting room, in the film Beetlejuice...
  9. Agreed, don't own one...
  10. Hard to see the all that's needed to make judgment from one 'ariel' photo. Even harder to see how any Saluki blooded pup really looks from that same angle. Total shite photo to he honest, and if you want any constructive feedback, you'd be better with a range of different photos, and the best of them comes from the camera being alongside your dog, not above it. For my two penneth-worth, your pups coat looks good, as does its feet. Maybe a bit more on the ribs at that age but some desert breds never hold it after 6 months anyway. BUT ffs... Take a photo of a happy dog.. That poor
  11. Bosun11


    Have a fair few flying round our house & garden most nights... We love watching them. This one decided to pop in for a visit....
  12. Always liked them... ?
  13. The cover of the edition I remember... Looking for this I also remember another Blyton I read, The Enchanted Wood... Wish I still had it... ?? Just googling, there's loads of Enid Blyton tattoos on the characters... ?
  14. Brilliant... I wish I'd done too, but on remembering this, and with my daughter at 13 next month, I fear I've missed the boat. Please give me some feedback on that book when you get it. Both how it reads, and what your lad thinks of it... I'm too old to remember but thrive on a bit of nostagia...?
  15. Enid Blyton wrote the books of my childhood.... The Magic Far Away Tree being a favorite... Feck knows what it was about... ??
  16. After I packed in with the terriers I moved from 4x4's to estate cars. Them old Legacy's being my fave..! Though had a couple of hatchbacks and one Ford Orion inbetween. Never liked jamming 4 big lurchers in an Orion boot, even if the speaker casings in the parcel shelf had no speakers in, to aid ventilation... ? TBH, looking back, it was bloody tough on dogs being loaded ran, loaded and ran, all night long... But good dogs (and decent callers) will always pull you through... As for fitness, I keep mine fit all year with daily free running walks, apart from my two week hols and my ma
  17. ‎Houndsman XP - Sportsmen's Empire: The Huntsman - John Broadhurst on Apple Podcasts PODCASTS.APPLE.COM ‎Show Houndsman XP - Sportsmen's Empire, Ep The Huntsman - John Broadhurst -...
  18. Just read through 25 pages of crap, there were about 5 pages of decent talk, before the usual took over... Though it all should of been done through the 'better' Minshaw threds... Do Your Homework!! You all know who you are... It's getting locked, if you want to argue, drop me a pm... I won't be replying. Sort your differences out with your different crosses, or have a nice sabbatical... Not arsed... ?
  19. Jason Williamson (of the Sleaford Mods) doppelganger...!! ?
  20. Bosun11


    The La's were far far better... John Power is/was a class act in both bands.
  21. I hate the reference to a number of lurchers as a 'pack'....
  22. Bosun11


    Breck Road Lover is my fave track by them. As it's where I grew up...
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