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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. I had a job where I finished at 12, great shifts for lamping, I was on this shift for a week at a time, once every 6 weeks, out every night on that shift, bloody great, and a couple of rabbits to show for it Gotta agree Dox, worked shifts for 20 years, tried the 9-5, hated it! Finish at 11, half hour home, change an back out for a shine, feel more active an 'keen', have the better nights out then. It kills me waitin round to go out......7-8pm sittin round, gear an dog ready, ain't interested in the telly, time goin slower an slower, curtain twitchin, lookin at sky an trees, drivin
  2. Bosun11


    Many happy returns Chalks.....Cheers
  3. He sounds like just the ticket Simo, dispite the problems, if ya loose him, you'd always 'regret' not doin it an thats a horrible thing to live with. Puttin all that effort into a dog (especially when your young) reallty makes you appreciate what you got, so to miss out on what could be just about right for you would be a real shame........trust me, i know!!!
  4. We talkin Charles the first Ditchy? Thing is about the Stuarts it was all done with a bit'o flair an aplomb! My fave death of a monarch has got to go to Edward 2nd, poor fecker. Only surviving son of Edward 1st ('ol Longshanks, he who gave Mel Gibson a feckin bad time!). Now, if ya seen the film, 2nd was, lets say, bent as a fiddlers elbow an a constant embarrasment to his old man . On the death of 1st, he picked up the title but was never interested in administration or being a King (far to buisy playing 'hide the salami') . Yep, he did marry that fit French bird Isabella but she wa
  5. Fantastic pics Jack, every one of 'em.......don't stop there!!! Happy anniversary!
  6. Great pics Skycat, love to see dogs playin round in water but up to now all mine have hated the stuff......as i said, up till now......new pup Bella can't get enough of it, the big communal water bowl gets her full attention when fresh filled, she takes a run at it an sub-merges her full head, runs round like a nutter then dives back in again, only stops when there's about an inch of water in it an her head is whackin the bottom !! She's now sussed there's fish in the garden pond an does the sub-merge thing after them (must get pic)........if this goes on i'll be postin her updates in the fi
  7. Done the Club thing (big an small)a few times in the past, never again.........starts with the best will in the world, then all goes tit's up later!! Started one a number of years back (well, re-kindled an old one, that f****d up the first time). All well at first, ran a couple of shows to put some dough in the bank, agreed it to be used for terrier rescue, affiliation (WTF, CA, FMWTC etc) etc. Good shows, well attended, few hundred in the bank, all hell breaks loose.......'We want a night out on it'!!! ...... Eh, we agreed it's for rescue, affiliation etc........' f**k that we earned it
  8. Well Jigsaw, that site must be doin you the feckin world of good ......so good, you av forgot to find a pick to put up for your Avatar ....the original thought behind your post i belive!! Must you look at everyone of them before posting!!!
  9. Bosun11

    Dog Genocide

    Done!! Cheers for the info Ditch....
  10. In 'My Controls', left hand side, hope ya find some great pics
  11. You got an avator pic so whats the problem......did ya put that one up? As for a bit of filth, trawl the net (or see Shay!) down load some pics an go in to your avator settings.
  12. Cheers Sean, think I've watched every one at least twice!! An will probs watch all this time too.....just a great watch
  13. Think Mr Lloyd sums it all up in his new book
  14. On a seriouse note he could drop dead at any time - he has a peice of disaligned carlidge under his vertabre in neck - cannot be surgically fixed and if/when it pops out completey hes gunna be paralysed on all 4 legs. Vet said "dont let him do this- dont let him do that- ra di ra" - My view - Balls to that let him do as he wishes even if it risks popping sooner he may die young but he'll die happy Rather a short happy life than a long miserbale one AT the mo though hes stable and the pains wore off which vet is very suprised about hes off all meds and doing nice *touch wood* - Hes on
  15. What do your dogs sleep on?
  16. I take your point Waldorf but if we use terriers as an example, genuine lines have been created worker to worker but these lines were started somewhere.....from dogs of possibly mixed backgrounds (an I'm not sayin yours is Cred ) right down the lines, long before people kept records. If it works and works well, then try to replicate, keep lines close with only the odd outcross. Yes it would be nice to know exactley how every lurcher is bred but its working ability that counts.
  17. Genuine question Royston, have you seen many cattle dog crosses (apart from the obvious one ), are there many about still??
  18. A cracking lookin bitch Stevie,
  19. BullX Though admire any cross thats good at it's vocation in the field........ Summat about a 'weirdo' though, a cross/type you just wouldn't expect to turn out but can do the job, few years back a mate had a dalmation cross! That dog was a cracker, hard as nails too, wouldn't take the risk of tryin to replicate it though......worker to worker all the way!!
  20. Still swolen Tim, been a feckin nightmare..... so how was the bull runnin, you nutter!!?? Just for the record, Tim has just been over to Pamploma (Spain) to run with the bulls......did ya wear your brown underwear.....loon!!??
  21. Bosun11

    FAO Molly

    All lookin good Simo.....great pics, attitude for kids an future dog.....
  22. Thats the ticket SS.......tried belt pouches a few years back an never rated 'em, always felt like me keck's were gonna come off!!! BUT if your collars are anythin to go by....i'm in the market....two 12v 20Ah !!!!
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