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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. A very sad accident......Deepest sympathies to all.........
  2. I fully agree m.r1.......clubs and groups should get involved and a 'push' is needed but for the layman this needs to come through our publications a lot more. The then BFSS were the backbone of the Fed (as you say 'in the past') but I see little support these days. I too have attended both at Worcestershire and some 15 or so years later at Cumbria and a difference was obvious, I also felt a sense of 'a group in hiding' at Cumbria, never seemed so at Worcestershire and yes, sad to say, the Welsh and southern clubs were conspicuous by there absence. I wish Barry and the 'National Working Terr
  3. Well said Waz but.......thats no small ammount each year to end up in a bottomless pit and what do we have to show for it?.......I'm with Darcy, in that it just gets 'creamed' by some. Throwing money at something isn't always the best solution (remember the money given so blatantly, generously and willingly at Hide Park (amongst others) and where did that feckin get us?) Profile and communication are the keys here, a platform needed....... But I do wonder........ why is information on the Fed so difficut for people to access (the FMWTC seems to be going the same way?), does Barry try to p
  4. I have attended NWTF meetings and agree with you totally m.r1 on the work B. Wade does. Its always been a mystery to me, over the years, that the BFSS and BASC have never really promoted or supported the NWTF (well, it's never obvious anyways)! Yes, your points are very valid with regard to club donation BUT 'some' smaller shows & clubs (in the past) are born an run by local lads usually, few have ever really gotten to grips with the political side of things, their members usually swerve anything that is remotley linked to forms, phone calls or signatures. Most individuals are not membe
  5. 'Rover'......Ain't heard that name for a dog in many a moon! As a kid plenty of folk called there dogs Rover. I think it was because most were kicked out into the street to go where they pleased...... 'Rebel' was a name given to Alsations a lot back then too. He looks a cracker though...... good example of the cross.........best of luck with him
  6. Ha ha hah......Nikey.....nowt worse than to be cought off guard, though........ If anyone has seen the stall that the Merseyside Club puts out (last seen at Peover Hall) they have a board specially for the trips out and who got caught 'dozing'......big mistake to kip!!!.... Damn good brows it is too..... With a 'who's who' of scouse lads (if yer know any?) an a few well known faces (some both 'writing' and 'gracing' well known books, and pro hunting Tv series !) too!!..... Oh yer, we're all there........ .....'Proud as Punch'!! At every 'Pro' hunting march this countrys ever had, t
  7. Well done 'again' John .....by the sounds of it, you really are an opportunist hunter (though better not relate your 'local' success!)
  8. Now don't you go 'forgetting yourself' there.....whilst 'in' with the 'Big Boys'...... Seriously though.........Go for it mate!! Your gear is a match for anyones...... Give it your best shot.....an let a 'gutted' b*****d know how it all went !!!
  9. a great read MC....one that really 'states your name'. Just off the subject a little....... When selling 'our type' of vehicles..... Once owned a very...very reliable Renault, 19 TD model, this car went everywere.....from 'tricky' parking spots high up on the Lakeland Fells (following different packs) to being used like a Sube over rough ground in pursute of all manner of critter......well time came (bout 100k+ of my own miles) to say goodbye, now I had been using this 'bus' daily for 8 years and (to my standards then) gave it a damn good clean pre-sale, two blokes come to view.....do the
  10. Yep, agree with you Pip, time with 'em seems to be the thing.......I have never owned one but seen a few genuine first X's out, all dogs were 'sharp' temperament wise and could really 'turn it on'. Bitches were a different kettle of fish.....could be the same as the dogs in the field, game as feck! ....but very...(am loath to use the word but...) 'timid' (or use 'quiet'?) and needed good handlers and constant re-assurance to get the best out of them (not all did!).....in the right hands these girls could do very well for the opportunist owner who needs his dog to get 'stuck in', very biddable
  11. With all due respect Dawn, he looks as good on the back end as your friends dog, he's just standing with his back legs under him and his tail high in the pic, i wouldn't say he had bad stifles, just a poor shot of 'em, the dog looks like he's possibly about to turn, being on the lead? Totaly understand why your asking the question but I recon a few more pic's will help.
  12. some of those ozzy fellas get 50 or so in a night Ditch... $10 a fox in some places ... i bought anrea gorgscecus (or what ever is name is?) fox whistle off ebay! havent got it yet but i'v seen it on his video and its got a really good sound to it that can carry.. tried the fox button whistle but over here its only good on a dead calm night IMO Yer, without goin back to find out I can't spell his name either! When his first vid hit over here I watched it and very impressive it is too! Bought the 'whistle'....very well made thing too, 'gold plated' it stated.........he uses it wit
  13. Something I often wondered SJM, Marc H. Glen was doin some great articles in EDRD a few years back, really enjoyed them, always seemed good, honest accounts? Had one hell of a training programme for that pup he bred and wrote about, was that Sheamus, as I don't fancy trawling through all my back copies! Then he stopped writing.....What happend??
  14. She's a cracker Moll, great pics with the sheep too.
  15. Bosun11

    The 80's

    Annabella Lewinn (not sure of the correct spelling) Wilf. Posed naked for the front cover age 15.......Game gal !!!
  16. Bosun11

    The 80's

    Cheers Bill.....I stand corrected.......did tickle me that bear though
  17. Bosun11

    The 80's

    The Trapdoor cartoon...... an them Corona ad's with the polar bear...... Watch out watch out theres a Humphrey about..... R. Whites lemonade......'I'm a secret leminade drinker'
  18. Yep, Nelson, it's something that's had me wondering too......For the past 25 years people have talked about 'old' Nuttall stuff and how good these dogs were but I have yet to meet or hear from anyone who has kept this stuff pure? Brian Nuttall has said to me that his dogs are no different to the dogs of yesteryear except in size, so what were the qualities of these former dogs that merrit so much debate? If this 'old' stuff was so good and so readily available then surely people would have kept 'pure' lines? We hear all to often how dogs have old Nuttall blood in 'em but it's always way down
  19. Asda's tinned sardines in sunflower oil, bout once a week.......fresh mackrel, whole (gutted) whenever available. They thrive on it!!
  20. My dad brought home a Grew when I was about 5-6 and she went everywhere with me, summers where always good, off to the caravan, with open land an bunnies everywhere. Every Sunday my dad would take me to work with him, he worked on Sefton Meadows land fill site (tip!) and drove the 'Compactor' and other heavy plant. Now, going with him was good, coz sitting in that cab, pushing tons of rubbish over.....great fun! But what I loved more than anything were the 'Ratters'. Blokes would come from all over the country to rat the place, cars and vans tipping out huge amounts of terriers and lurche
  21. Why do you wanna meet me Wilf?
  22. Bosun11

    The 80's

    The Tube........totaly new angle on music show's........!
  23. Bosun11

    The 80's

    This is Mrs Hart.........she's 'GOYGEUS'
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