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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. Got to agree Nikey, they really do get used to it and enjoy the 'game'. Used to run with my dogs a while back, 'ol half x bull really took to it and I was gettin a great work out too (ideal if you had to be on your toes at hot spots!). After going to quieter places and him getting better I started running local....great! Came unstuck, whilst running down a duel carrageway, crossed a side road, bus stop on the right an a row of shops on the left, nearing the bus stop (its packed) a couple of 'hotties'...... 'looking good son, lookin good', I thinks as my head lifts and my stride improves..
  2. Funny that with Nuttall, i've seen (or rather heard) Brian give a number of 'talks' over the years at various club nights, some going back over 25years (the old Wigan Club). Always this question came up and he always denied putting bull blood in..... I've seen bull/russells, bull/blacks and a bull/lakie work and though some of them did and work well Bull/russells mainly, I'd question as to what the bull added to the mix that a decent line of terrier wouldn't? 'Game', 'hard'..... plenty of strains and lines out there just as game & hard and would agree with Nikey that added bull would ca
  3. Now that is a very tidy critter How old is he? If I was ever going for a 3/4 bred, that would be the X . I would hope he grafts as well as he looks. Best example i've seen on here yet.
  4. Your ideal show sounds just the ticket Wilf, ive got to be there Will Cammo Man be wearing the full Gimp suit, carrying that well rusted 'banjo' and could his very startled terrier make it to its class??
  5. Quite an compact an interestin little thing Ditch, I like it also, mongrel or not! Though seems like a interesting website you've been trawling through mate.....Thailand......What were you looking for..... ???
  6. Judging by the way that brindle pup is shaping up, i'd say plenty of critters will have their hands full next season
  7. Bosun11


    Coming from you Wilf, its hard to.......swallow But Simo, get well soon mate. (Did you get the Doc to throw another stitch in for Wilf ??)
  8. Ah sorry, didn't get the last pic of your other dog on the link you sent .....
  9. Lookin good LL, she's a cracker.....you say 'small', what size is she making as both parents an the stuff their out of is errr 'rather big'?? Get some camera pics of her if you can.
  10. Great set of pics Keeps of what looks like a good day out. Love the pic of your black dog laying down at the end, just captures a moment and to me, re-enforces why we are so taken with these cross bred dogs...... stunning.
  11. Bosun11

    youre job

    Had a job on the rescue boat on the Mersey, with a bit of pool lifeguarding thrown in, ended up managing sports & leisure centres for the past 20 years.
  12. So sad to hear of your loss LDR, I know how you feel mate as it has happened to me with a good collie X I once owned. The shock of it, looking at your dog in that state is one that I won't forget in a hurry and i'm sure your the same. I wish you well.
  13. The Australian mix is good stuff, I started on it about 5 years ago but that creatine and the high pecentage of protein is far to high during the summer months. If you are working your dogs hard during the winter and use a dry mix, then this is a cracker but I'd tone it down during the summer lay off.
  14. Wow!! Very gifted and brave men to work out there, I would say. Though i'm sure the sceptical would say it's a film studio, as in '66!
  15. A very smart lookin black terrier it is too! Very much of the type around today. 1947 - This photo pre-dates Brey & Bucks blacks by some years, Plummers fell terrier (a reliable source of info dispite what many think of him now!) states that their blacks only appeared in the 50's and were very much a new type and not just in the Lakes. Could be a bit of photo terrier history there.
  16. Some great pics on this thred, fantastic lookin dogs. Love them old photos too..... But eatin the fox :sick:
  17. It' Meindl for me, owned two pair over the past 15 years, best boots i've ever worn. Though, if I had the money i'd try a pair of them 'Irish Setter' boots, made by RedWing, been seein 'em at shows over the past few years, by construction the look the feckin nuts! Footwear Country do 'em. Has anyone tried them on here?? Cheers
  18. Thats right Leveller, there was an episode of Clarissa & the Countryman with Glatting in. If I remember correctly, Johnny Scotts terrier Tug dived into the rock pool the spaniel marked an pulled the conger out, no need for the sticks with that one!
  19. Ted Walsh in Lurchers & Longdogs has a chapter on 'Overseas' and tells some great tales about Rampur Hounds. Well worth a read, not only for this chapter but in general, a classic 'the' first modern lurcher book. The nearest to an exotic I've come come across was when out running hares (pre ban) over a former tip that was near a housing estate. Our dog was bending holey feck out of this fine specimen when a woman came round the corner with two Afghans, the hare shot past and the first hairy womble jumped a feckin mile an made a bee line for the safety of the womans legs. The second l
  20. 'Storming', 'norming' and 'forming', in big business, i'm reliably informed, is the best way to good results. We need a good result, the storm may take a while, TSA showed us the clouds and Tom brought us the thunder, recon we'll get there in the end...... Oh yer, and Chris, for me a merge was the right thing!
  21. Well done that lad, boxed his own permission too
  22. Read Jigsaws thred, 'Don't know so i'll ask'.........Really!!!
  23. The first bullX I seen really work was a dog called Spike (a 'few' years back now, see best bull x thred), I was interested in these dogs and had the offer of seeing one work. His owner had been asked to shift some stuff of some land. The dog worked 'off slip' from leaving the car in the farm yard. He killed 3 'big dog foxes' that night, i'd never witnessed such jaw power. Coming off the last, i asked my mate what he was like on bunnies, spinning the lamp he ran one, cought it and carried it back as if it was made of glass, that immence jaw power had turned into one of the best 'live to hand'
  24. What colour are your Y fronts Tom? Got to be honest Tom, not on this thred!
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