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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. Looks like your mooch paid off WR, three ain't a bad tally when out for a walk. Good pics too. This post reminds me that i'll have to give ASME9 a bell and sort a day out with his ACDx.
  2. This numbers game really sticks in peoples throat from what I've read on here but Bosun11 summed it up perfectly people asking why would you want to do these numbers? Why do the coursing lads rate 5out of 5 dogs so highly? Because it puts the dog beyond an also ran and proves it can be done Y.I.S Leeview The thing about the numbers game is when you reach that magic number of 5 out of 5 or a 100 bunnies what then? someone states they got 6 out of 6 or 101 and it all starts again. What I have noticed is the vast majority who bang on about the ton havn't actually done it.....it's alw
  3. This numbers game really sticks in peoples throat from what I've read on here but Bosun11 summed it up perfectly people asking why would you want to do these numbers? Why do the coursing lads rate 5out of 5 dogs so highly? Because it puts the dog beyond an also ran and proves it can be done Y.I.S Leeview The thing about the numbers game is when you reach that magic number of 5 out of 5 or a 100 bunnies what then? someone states they got 6 out of 6 or 101 and it all starts again. What I have noticed is the vast majority who bang on about the ton havn't actually done it.....it's alw
  4. Looks a good night out for those round them parts Mike. Who are the 'experts' and how are the procedes going back into fieldsports?
  5. How would you have Whin... As you keep stating you never heard of 'em till you came on here????
  6. Read an re-read this thred, always admired 'the numbers' game and the people who have walked the walk. IF you think you have the right dog and IF you know the right speck and IF you know when it's time to stop (and thats not when the dogs dead!) then why not..... Get out and have a go!!
  7. 'Ol Bert Gripton said he did, as dogs that would eat fox meat could keep themselves alive a bit longer if trapped. Though that was said long before locators!!
  8. Oh these threds just keep on bouncing up, same 'ol story, got nothing else to blow hot air about?? I'm sure some on here, have this dogs of this type that do have the right temperiment and working ability aplenty and do not use them just as point and slip dogs!!! Before you decry a certain 'lurcher type' look at a decent one in the field, see what it can do. The multitude of different crosses today all bring sommat different to the table and if they were that poor wouldn't have made it thus far in this fickle game. As for running certain quarry, what the feck has it got to do
  9. I remember that bounty on the IOM Lanesra and know of one local bloke who moved over there for that reason.
  10. Good read Jacob, thanks for sharing
  11. Yep, i'm sure you could put different stuff in the water and loads of stuff you can wrap a bottle up in, neoprene (wet suit stuff) is great an can be gotten cheaply from those american type bottle cooling covers, bubble wrap too though you'll have to check on a regular basis how much water is in the bottle (as you cant see it when wrapped) BUT if your going to do any of the above, why not just go round you local pet shop, buy a few spare bottles and change 'em regular..... Easy!!!!
  12. Your 100% with that WH But for those on here who think any working dog should ONLY aquire fitness from graft could be sadley mistaken. Any terrier that has not or cannot (due to, say, a long injury lay-off) see day in day out work, needs to be out, at first, in some form or other to start to aquire that mental accumen, before being used in the work they were born to. Dogs that are 'full of themselves' is the term I use. Seen too many terriers, after long spells in kennels fail to hit the mark when taken out, dogs that sadly have then been written off by idiot owners. A tale, My
  13. With all due respect p***y, though he can answer for himself, i'm sure Wolfy was just doing a little fishing on here, as I do know he's new to this pc stuff but not to the working terrier!
  14. About right Wilf. I've long since learned that 'most' organisations supposedly dedicated to the greater good of 'our' pusuits, turn to shite, we've seen it before and i'm sure (sadly) we'll see it again. March your fecking legs off, it'll only strengthen the social status of some! The two things that always get me are.....: The false hope that is sold with each membership. Money that people think is funding 'the fight', when all it really does is fund those gala nights and tea partys that go with the 'ladder climbing' of the chair and secritary etc. Remember.......
  15. As soon as I put that part up about Minshaw dogs, I knew what would come back Lancer and i've put bits up on other posts about 'em so look back, plenty of 'em on here. It would be a shame if this thred is turned into yet another Minshaw 'bicker'. It's about the comp, let it be so....
  16. Whin, with all due respect, your posts certanily leave me pondering..... For someone who's posts portray a man who's been in this game many years and is still going strong, to then write that rabbits are "a bit of fun and don't stretch the dog too much" it would seem that you have never run for numbers, no need, as rabbits are far far to low key and such an easy catch!! ?? Not all on here are new to this game , some have done a bit for a few years, far and wide and still do run plenty of 'bigger stuff', BUT with the utmost respect, those still out to catch decent hauls of rabbits, know j
  17. Whin, with all due respect, your posts certanily leave me pondering..... For someone who's posts portray a man who's been in this game many years and is still going strong, to then write that rabbits are "a bit of fun and don't stretch the dog too much" it would seem that you have never run for numbers, no need, as rabbits are far far to low key and such an easy catch!! ?? Not all on here are new to this game , some have done a bit for a few years, far and wide and still do run plenty of 'bigger stuff', BUT with the utmost respect, those still out to catch decent hauls of rabbits, know j
  18. BullX, BeddieX, CollieX, SalukiX, BitsaX, etc, etc, etc, Blah, Blah, Blah........ 'ALL' fecking Lurchers.....!!!! Now shut up, get out an run 'em!!!!!
  19. Thats a very tidy critter, should do someone proud, best of luck with the re-home.
  20. Damn good choice, a very underrated film, your dead right about Hopper and Walken, fine, fine acting! Sexy Beast is a great Brit classic to. As for Horror..... I must have had a bad time as a kid with those old Hammer classics, so i'm hiding behind a cushion as soon as the music starts
  21. Would have to agree Frank, we used plenty of ex track dogs when we were kids (dead cheap or givaways). Looking back, I wouldn't know (and didn't care) what prior running these dogs did but most never made it and a fair few died trying, seen some horrific deaths, as you said, far to fast, for their limited minds. Though, it has to be said I did see one or two good 'un's. Dogs that either worked out what open counrtyside was, pretty fast, or had the luck with their first few runs and settled in but even these were pretty broke with a season or two behind 'em. I'm sure with correct and car
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