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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. i have owned dogs that most on here would give their right arm for ,some have killed foxes for fun ,but i dont concider them a fox dog ,because they have caught other things much harder than a fox . So what are you trying to say..... Your the only bloke on here that has had a 'decent dog'.... get a fecking grip! To me, a 'fox dog' is determined by the fact that it can (could, pre-ban!) catch and kill its own foxes and has killed them in significant number. Whatever else your mutts can or can't do, is immeterial to me, or this thred, you can call them whatever you want...!
  2. I know what your saying 2GOOD. If you 'want to catch that fox' its about shortening the odds. When (pre-ban) all I did was run foxes, you 'had' to run doubled. I was never going to drive for three hours plus (to get there) just to run one fecking dog! What i'm saying is that some of the best fox 'pullers' dont like the ivory, couldn't kill a fox! Seen some that are superbe, pulled hundreds of foxes..... For the 'real' dogs to kill BUT whatever anyone says a real 'fox dog' MUST be capable of running and killing its own foxes, single handed, throughout its working life, (seen enough 'j
  3. And the ones he's lost? They were never there anyway John! It's all spin.... I'd agree with Boyo, it's a small chance, so stand and be counted..... where you can, have YOUR say, push hard and you never know?
  4. The answer to your question Stabba is single, if a dog can't do it on it's own, then IT AIN'T A FOX DOG !!!
  5. I ain't posted on this thred, as I know one or two of the lads on that DVD and for starters they have NEVER called themselves that. To be honest it isn't really a 'they' just one bloke and some of his mates, most of which change from week to week depending on who's dog is 'capable' from it's last night out! I've said this before and i'll say it again, I'VE NEVER SEEN THE DVD, I don't want to, but I do know that that DVD was taken from one of the lads without his permission and copied to make a fast buck! What I do know is that it's filmed on an 'average' Tuesday' type n
  6. Would that Farmer been Dave, now long retired.... Or Bill Roughly....?? I'll second that second bit and your especially your last line, I'll never say never but deep down I think we'll never freeze on that glorious 'Bank' again!!!
  7. An awful lot of votes can be won with comments like them and thats why he said 'em! Tell me, if he did become PM, would he face the public frenzy whipped up by the media by upturning the ban..? Not on your fecking life, the media would roast him, that'd sell papers and he'd be in it for the long term, just like Labour, so he wouldn't rock his boat too much. It would be nice to think he could help the Hunts a little, make life a bit easier, especially with Terrier work..... But for Lurcher& Terrier folk in general..... Not on your life mate!!!!!!!!!!
  8. A great 'free thinking' post GTE , with a election closing in fast, it's time to have a say, i did, when both Labour and Tory sent 'feelers' out asking which way i'd vote and why. Though Darcy's hit the nail on the head as far as the CA are concerned, money going to money! Personally, I really do not belive we will get anything back, once gone, it's gone forever. We can only hope that champions like Barry Wade continue to hold out and fight for small pockets of our chosen way of life and pray that somebody equally dedicated picks up the baton in years to come.
  9. If I was going to buy a Greyhound from a pup, with a view to hunting it, i'd make sure the line it's from are sound in the foot department, as this would be a greyhounds biggest weakness. Yep, they do tear a bit easy but seen enough Lurchers the same. Never used one for ferreting but i'd bet they'd take to it as would any other Lurcher and if brought up with it, they'll retrieve just fine. As far as i'm concerned, i've seen some crackin Greyhounds in the field, keen as feckin mustard but that speed can be lethal, i've spent many an outing with Greyhounds with my heart in my mouth, so you'd ha
  10. For christs sake, stop putting human ethics on animals! You gonna be telling us your a vegan next!!!
  11. If he's out an well excercised, then, I suppose, thats just the way his feet are made, doesen't mean he is flat footed! Different dogs have differing types of feet, some Saluki types have 'splayed' feet type, as opposed to a greyhounds tight 'cat like' feet. Flat foot is when feet have spent too long in a kennel.... Without excercise! I suggest, you'll be much more 'informed' when you start running the dog on quarry and SEE how those 'flat feet' perform. 'Hansom is, how hansom does' !
  12. Marksman, think this is my first post in this section as I ain't owned an air rifle for many a year (though one day i'll get my finger out an buy one!) but your post on an old Tornado got me looking, as it was my first 'decent' rifle, when i was about 14 (i'm now 43!). Many a bunny bit the dust with this one! I must say what a fantastic job you've done on the old gun and what a pleasure it is to see a Tornado as I did see 'em, back in the day. Well done!!
  13. Hedz, your answers are well thought out and for my money, on the mark Though Stabs always comes out with a gem and in this case he did get me thinking I've seen good hill collies work there bollocks off on a hard day, all day and with no quit in 'em. Once seen a collie make a mess of a 'well bred' bull terrier and the collie was on a chain, the bull terrier eventually got the upper hand but that sheep herding mutt would have still 'gone' and was as game as when the battle kicked off, screeming for more as the farmer dragged them apart! I suppose what i'm trying to say, is that I do
  14. Out of the three litters that i`ve had out of my bitch, I`de say that 90% of the pups have turned out reasonable workers, and one or two i would say exceptional workers, and i belive that the dam plays a big part in a pups early developement...From the 1st litter i did`nt keep a pup back as most were given to mates, from the 2nd litter i kept a dog pup, that was shapeing up well, but it broke it`s neck at 5-1/2 month old, and from the 3rd litter i kept a dog pup that did`nt turn out as i expected, but his new owner is keeping in touch and he`s doing well for him..... I do belive though that b
  15. Good advice Blackpack, if your gonna re-seed and it's gonna be used for heavy traffic use a seed type with plenty of Rye.
  16. A very handy lookin rabbit critter you got there WR, looks ultra keen on them nets Good pics too
  17. Only ever seen one pure bred Saluki / Greyhound take enough foxes to be called 'a fox dog', though I suppose, those I know who run this type, would rarely want to use 'em for foxes regular anyway! Seen plenty of 'Saluki Lurchers' that were excellent fox dogs, one was the second best fox dog i've ever had the pleasure of seeing run. Pre-ban, if I was in the market for a fox taking dog, to be honest, a Saluki cross pup wouldn't be what i'd be looking for.
  18. I'm with Romany, in that if your looking for a 'replica', it'd be the best way to go. Though, theroreticaly speaking and i don't wish to cause any offence Mars, as by the sound of it you do rate and value your bitch very highly. I'd ask the question, in three litters, if the dogs you chose have all been quality, similar type workers but produced nothing near to your bitch to merit talk of a possible, line bred, fourth litter, maybe your bitches genes are poor in replicating 'similar type' as herself? You would certainly better your odds by breeding closer then BUT as with all Lurchers, the
  19. Don't have to be a hard run to get a knocked toe, your dog could have done it a number of ways, though most likely it's hit a stone or the like. It's always hard to diagnose without seeing it (not that i'm a vet!) but you can take the swelling down a bit by running it gently under a tap (hose) for about 5mins, lifting the foot you may see some movement in the toe, which may suggest it's only bruised and the treatment for either.... Complete rest till it's right. Best of luck mate
  20. True - The British Eugenics Society, when disbanded, became...... The Kennel Club!
  21. That bitch to your left is all Pie bred, out of Spike to Otter. Plenty of pics in my gallery, all Pie bred dogs and Strong Stuff has a crackin pic of my dog in his 'pre-war days' on his website.
  22. Cracking pics Coco, can you tell us a little more on the type, i've posted a few times on here about older line bred Lurchers and would love to here more? Cheers
  23. 'Night time' is all good lamping weather, though dark and windy is better!
  24. Yer, I woul;d agree there is a 'boom' on at the min, thing is, I (and older folks) have seen it before, in the late 's. They'll come and go, few will stick at it, for most it'll be a fad. Damage will be done, it always follows but it'll pass, just weather the storm. BUT what I will say, is for the novices who have joined this forum, or those that YOU know in the 'real world', it's up to those that have been at it a while (us old hands) to ensure we give correct information, offer sound advice, try to both help them be less ignorant and OUR chosen life more secure.
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