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Everything posted by Bosun11

  1. Bosun11

    What job.

    I like a Goth, they are good to see.... In a world full of fecking North Face Ninja's, good 'ol Goths remind me of better times when kids dressed to musical sub-culture. All hail them Goths..!!
  2. Never seen any slow pup thats not changed it whole attitude and 'woken up', after seeing and hearing a rabbit caught by another dog. One night, a few bunnies caught by another dog and maybe a slip for yours, and you should be able to fly solo from there on in....
  3. Lovely pup that... Well played Morton. ? I wish you the very best with it Bullyson ?
  4. Fine hounds for sure Fuji, the very best of luck with them. ?
  5. Did a good few years on that around 20 years back, with meat (always with meat!) Dogs looked and ran well off it. It has Creatine in it (or did have) so i only used it in the season, when the dogs were out 3/4 days a week. Soon as they wern't running they came off it. I've learned a bit since then, and though i do still feed kibble, it's only a very basic one, once or twice a week, as an addition, never the main.
  6. Day Shift - Unfunny vampire splatter dross. The whole thing was just trying too hard. 4/10 The Batman - Nearest thing to the original comics i've seen. Reminded me of the difference between Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig's Bond versions. Not really my type of movie and it was ok but long, bloody long. The starring role went to my home city, as much of the filming was done here, and i found myself recognising that, more than following the obvious plot. The end shot is Batman & Catwoman riding out of Anfield Cemetary back gates (though the cemetary they ride through is not Anfield) a p
  7. I heard it was closer to home... ?
  8. ?? That's him... He's tried to bust the Lab trainers on the field in front of my house last season...!
  9. You can now be convicted on attempt... EG, whatever they deem plausable to course....
  10. Hahaha... Your all gonna get nicked... ? Or thats what they want you to think, BUT the truth really is, they ain't got the resourses to Police nothing but the 'hot spots' and its only fools thats gonna run that ground. Daft buggers are gonna get a hard time AND if you really can, try and educate those that may know no better... It ain't just 25 quid in your local Magistraits no more.... The game's moved up a notch, got harder... Play that game, and help any worth helping... Any conviction is fuel to their cause. And that reminds me, i live in one of those 'hotspots
  11. Fair play to him, a good heart these days is hard to find....
  12. Whilst i'm all for the cause, the action really is shite... As said, they are only targeting those who the cause really affects. I think it was in the 90's were a bunch of French farmers cut the throats of the sheep they were transporting to market, on the roadside, to prove what was wrong with export duties. Now, lets rewind to 2004, when Otis and a few friends stormed Parliment Chambers. Inspired as that was, 'some' of us who where darrn sarrf in the big smoke at that same time were on the recieving end of some 'decent' batton rash... Hey, it done 'feck all' for our caus
  13. The thing is... Why do they always re-make classic, good/great films. When there must be thousands of great scripts that were made into films so badly... ?
  14. As long as there's some sort of Jet type bird, and some racy costumes, i'm in..!! ? At least we shouldn't get to see that tool Fashanu and his cringe-worthy 'Awooga' cry... What a total bellend.
  15. ? No idea, my Mrs took both photos. The top one is the most recent, taken from upstairs tonight. With a Samsung, and she's always upgraded. They were taken through the windows, so that may have affected the shot. I have scant knowlage of phones or any other 'smart' gadgets. If it's not powered by water, fire, or animals, then i'm not in the least bit interested in it... ?
  16. Not at all, but it's location is bloody good... ?
  17. The same view from our front windows, one year to the day apart. Last years is from the living room, tonights from the bedroom... Never tire of living here...
  18. Get back on track gentlemen or we'll have to have a 'cool off'... ?
  19. Just listened to the Police press report. It's really uncomfortable listening. The shooters target burst into the home, after the mother had opened the door to see what was going on in the street, the shooter burst in after, and shot both the mother and the girl before fireing more shots at his target... Thing is, like before in this city, he will be being protected, hidden, and when he's caught will show no remorse. That girl is simply a 'casualty of war', someone who just got in the way. Ironic, but yesterday was the anniversary of another child shooting tragedy in this city. Sadly
  20. Maybe your right mC, maybe your right... To laugh at any animal bred from years of selective breeding to perform in the pit... Well just no, it's not gonna do what your desert dogs are gonna do but hey, it's really all about catching, and in my humble opinion, i really do belive those bull bloods will out catch those desert dogs every time on the lamp, because the real ones, ain't short on wind either... ? Funny though, BG's dog and it's progeny ran the spectrum on those coursing fields in the CCC, maybe you need to check your history... Though your gonna have to take my word for
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