Cheers mate Trying to find contact for them
But turns out it's not easy
there pups on pets for u there deerhound greyhound £250 top breding in them d platts .
How much to cover a full deerhound bitch working lines .she's only a young bitch so will be a bit down the line just finding out the cost.what height is r dog .?
Stick some pictures up hounddog .What way is the man in Wexford breeding?? Does he use a deerhound dog on greyhound bitches or vise versa?he has a deerhoundxgeyhoundxdeerhoundxgreyhound back to a greyhound bitch has a other litter now outta other bitch think em only about 5 weeks old now.I'm not good at putting up pics as I'm using a tablet but will try.
What work if any is he doing with his deerhound or deerhounds and with his greyhound or greyhounds?
I don't no much about em but he said the dog is a proven stud dog as s previous pups r taking deer and fox my 32 pups r fast and only 5 mt
Stick some pictures up hounddog .What way is the man in Wexford breeding?? Does he use a deerhound dog on greyhound bitches or vise versa?he has a deerhoundxgeyhoundxdeerhoundxgreyhound back to a greyhound bitch has a other litter now outta other bitch think em only about 5 weeks old now.I'm not good at putting up pics as I'm using a tablet but will try.
What work if any is he doing with his deerhound or deerhounds and with his greyhound or greyhounds?
Kizzy of Barkstead and Pharoe are that far back now in uk lines what if any influence do they have ? As is the cas with lots of dogs that many dogs have come from certain lines and been mated back to so many of the same gene pool its dilution to a great extent I am a believer if you line to close a generation its going to be like adding water to the milk. unless you have a large number of stock and can take a lining from a few generations removed.that has a few different lines interspersed.there a greyhound running now in ireland fastest dog about and it's very inbred it's nervous as f****r s
The man in 2 wexfordhas a other litter bred and says every litter killing fox no bother.I will be looking at his next litter for a goodun out of it hopely
I have a full working deerhound bitch pup I got from westmeath Ireland and 2 greyhound X deerhounds pups they r great looking pups well reared were bred in WeX Ford.
I was looking another full deerhound but I had to say no as I couldn't give it all the time I would need 2 so might have to settle for a wee rabbiting dog .gutted but thats life.
Mine,s a full deerhound but just for a bitta moucthing she's how she works the minute I can't take any more in plus pens not completed yet so a bitta work still to be done before the summers