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Everything posted by hounddog3

  1. There still part of the UK so passport and injection,s all in order simple enough.The greyhound Transporter goes a few times a week and has no problem,s .They r a bit tougher on pup,s going cause of Puppy Peadler,s.
  2. They dont if going to the UK but r needed if going outside the UK into Europe.
  3. I had 2 Black bred the same bitta colly in em .They were great pair one got killed early and the other ended up in Gawlay Southern Ireland killed Hares every time she went out. I have a well bred Saluki here now just waiting on my Full Greyhound Bitch coming in Season.
  4. Jigsaw i have a full Saluki dog here am looking for a Greyhound bitch and a Grey x Whippet to cover .Hes very well bred of working Parents. The land i hunt is a bit small fields for him .I want to put him over a Track Greyhoung i had pups from this cross before and killed Hares for fun .
  5. The RSPCA in the North of Ireland has put forward its case now to have all hunting with Dogs to be Banned . They r using badger baiting as the excuse to ban everyone to even hunt a few rabbits the game is all f****d up .
  6. They r trying to get hunting banned in North of IRELAND put forward by the RSPCA today.
  7. If you go to Court in the North of Ireland the PSNI officer's word is taken as Gospel . So you have to prove your Innocence instead of him proving you're Guilty
  8. If a dog is naturally slow you can't put speed into him .I had plenty of coursing dogs too slow just didn't make the grade.
  9. A Great looking pup wish you all the best with her.
  10. Cut its nail back till it bleeds and try to push the swelling goes down .If it is only infected then bathe it in salted water.
  11. I am looking a Black whippet X Greyhound pup first cross am from Ireland anyone know of any Litters planned PM me .
  12. I gave a young lad a Lurcher Today for FREE to get him started in the game . If it dosent suit him he can bring her back but i dont expect to see her again .
  13. Thanks, I tried the 2 of them but don't do Wales .
  14. Do any of you’s lads know the number of a Transporter who does Wales to Northern Ireland.
  15. If you want 1 that,s trustworthy it will have 4 leg,s .lol
  16. She broke the law if you leave r table even going to the Loo u have to wear the mask .It been broke over here all the time just took her pic because of who she is .
  17. I dont think he breeds greyhound,s x any more .He has about 12 full bred,s and would give you a service of 1 of them he didnt charge anywhere near 1200 for a pup.
  18. Because she was Small dosent say her pups would if it was me i would a Track bitch to keep the size down .most of them coursing bitches r around LB,S if the rest of her litter were monsters then she could throw big pups .The track one are faster and more agile .
  19. Take the bitch to a Stud dog he,ll soon sort her out .
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