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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Looking good mucker, nothing like a bit of ring sting let's you know what a decent meal tastes like. Do you grow your chillies in a green house or outside.
  2. This has to be from the thl bizarre threads collection. If not it should be.
  3. Brewman


    Balls like water melons lol and who said romance is dead.
  4. And don't forget your boxers ya minger lol. Da da, da da Boom.
  5. You're taller than I thought mucker.lol
  6. See I told you all, see what happens when the first rule of offline club is broken? Tut tut.
  7. Make it with a flat iron steak then it would be a very decent sambo. Lol Only kidding, looks fantastic mucker.
  8. Thats it in a nutshell. None of the 4 nations are each other's enemies any more. Sadly some in NI are to blind to see that. We have a dangerous enemy common to all of us who will try and destroy our way of life and values that our countries were built on. It doesn't matter how religious or atheist you are, our nations foundations come from Judaist/Christian principles which are as fair as you'll get. Rant over. Happy St George's Day to the English.
  9. Brewman


    You've more chance winning on the euro millions than you do 9n the UK lotto.A few weeks ago 5 numbers got less than 3 numbers because more people than usual got it and the pot for it wasn't very big.
  10. Try todds leap near Aughnacloy in Tyrone.
  11. Your turn in the barrel is it? Lol
  12. Takes a big man to apologise like that so openly. Hope everything goes alright for you with the little fella.
  13. Use email so it's easily recorded and can't use the excuse that they never received the letter through the post.
  14. Nearly brought a tear to my eye. Absolutely brilliant top little fella.
  15. If you were underneath and there was one fella on top what was the 3rd fella doing, watching? Lol
  16. I think it was mentioned somewhere that Baby was still a pup. I can't see any of those oxygen thieves being able to lift a fully grown bulldog like they did. Also if they've been abusing her since they got her then she has been broken just like kids who have abused, they don't know anything else. I doubt she has ever been trained and praised and her confidence brought on. Hopefully the little scum bags will get what they deserve.
  17. i know a lad who got involved with a older woman and she use to suck him off and put her vibrator up his ass. scared the feck out of him first time she done it but he couldnt help going back for more loved it that much hes into men only now. The male g spot is up your bum....id be well up for that! only problem is i have a really sensitive bum...if i have a big poo i need a couple of nurophen so theres no chance im letting our peg anywhere near it! First time I've ever heard of someone needing painkillers after a dump. I suppose every day's a school day lol.
  18. Top notch accomplishments for a family who must be well proud of you. Well done mucker.
  19. That article is nearly 4 years old. I don't think it take the EU that long to bring in their daft laws. Lol.
  20. That's a juicy looking steak, seriously mouthwatering. Very tasty looking GL, excellent job.
  21. Was wondering when you would pop in mucker. lol im still stuffing me face as usual, what about shallow fried sprats Never tried them but as it's fish I'd definitely give them a bash.
  22. Was wondering when you would pop in mucker.
  23. Thats a cracking idea, I'd be willing to make a donation as long as the young fella doesn't fall into a ditch hurt his arm and need an air ambulance lol. Seriously thought I would make a donation for the little fella's team.
  24. why is an ulster fry........far better than an English fry? do you use a different oil or something? different tomato's? bacon? mushrooms? eggs? to me, a fry up is a fry upMore stuff on the plate You get veggie roll and soda bread on an ulster fry to oh right, it must be an irish thing, Nope its an ulster thing Hence why it's called an Ulster Fry lol
  25. They still would have been paying taxes just not as much as the 35% corporation tax in America. Obama is a socialist anyway so wouldn't say he had the bigger picture in mind.
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