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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Evening folks, Saw this book on the website but was wondering if anyone had got it and if it was worth getting. Atb Brewman
  2. He's not there because he doesn't have any bollocks. He even admitted on tv that he counts Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness as friends. He probably responsible for more deaths of British soldiers than those two terrorists.
  3. Thanks folks, Will have a look and get something.
  4. Brewman


    +1 for the Lowa boots. I have a pair of the combat gtx and they are like slippers. Toasty in the cold. Look after them and they will last years and you can walk for miles.
  5. Afternoon folks, I posted this in the book section but no luck, looking at getting a lurcher next year but would like to read up and have some insight into pitchers, training etc. I have time and won't be rushing into it as I want to get it as good as possible first time. I have seen a lot of books on amazon but don't know for the life of me what to get. Cheers Brewman
  6. Cross between a pig and a dog, usually discovered before closing time and after 12 pints or so.
  7. haymin, Unfortunately it all boils down to money, who says justice has a price is very true. I looked rspca up on the net and the slatings they have had from judges etc for bringing some of the prosecutions to court is unreal. They have to much power. These cutbacks they have to make might slow them down a bit.
  8. you,d get ripped to shreds maybe so but if your speaking from the heart and put on the water works they'll feel sorry for ya ) but rely if he speaks for him self it's a lot better than some fanny talking shit on his behave that the judge has heard before stand up for your self that's what I say Not necessarily, I've been interviewed a few times and sat in the court as well and I wouldn't go into the lions den without a rep. I've seen people represent themselves and totally fcuk it up. It's not worth the risk when you have so much to lose like your dogs etc. All you need is some qu
  9. Similar story with my ridgeback and a GSD which was off the lead. It went for me and the RR got in between. I have never seen a dog turn into a horrible c#nt with that look in eye. The GSD backed off and the prick off an owner looked at me as if its my fault. Poncy test. And owners who say their little boot rat thinks its a rottweiler. Fcuk off love you silly tart before my dog chokes on the little siht. Rant over.
  10. sounds as if there trying to set a precedence so a conviction could be achieved on the basis of a photo without a clear link to the accused actually being there at the time the picture was taken, a very dangerous development if you ask me, as all alledged pre ban pictures would become questionable............. If and hopefully when this falls flat on its arse I don't think the public would be to chuffed to see where their money is going. I think they would be seriously hacked off at the hundreds of thousands spent on cases like this and not genuine cases of animal cruelty.
  11. Can someone recommend some lurcher books as I will be getting a lurcher next year hopefully and would like to be prepared. Cheers.
  12. As far as I know if he is found not guilty he shouldn't have to pay in a criminal prosecution. If its a civil prosecution its up to the judge to award the costs in any direction. If there is a fund being set up i would happily contribute to it. It's a bit iffy for the rspca to take such a stance seeing as this will cost them because they need to raise a number of times more the amount needed but then its not their money and that's probably the reasoning behind it. Me thinks they are taking the piss leaning on the small man trying scare tactics. If it fails I think it will be a once off.
  13. Many thanks lads, Still scouring the lurcher section. Made me wonder what I could get by crossing my ridgeback with something else.
  14. Thanks fellas for the replies, I have plenty of time so not in a rush to get the first one I come across. Just not sure of what type of crossto go for, for what I would be using it for.
  15. Apologies for that, it only dawned on me later. I have no experience of lurchers but would like to get one next year. It would be mainly for bunnies and the odd hare, some of the ground would be a bit rough and hilly. I live in the country and have dogs but not used for hunting. Previous to posting on the hunting life I came across the Hancock midgets and have read a couple of threads on them. Cheers Brewman
  16. Afternoon's all, Second post here, sod all hunting experience but looking at a lurcher next year and getting the rod I was supposed to get 2 years ago. Getting a lurcher mainly for Watership Down extras because they taste nice. Possibly the odd hare as well Cheers Brewman
  17. Afternoon' First post here, was looking to get a Hancock dog next year mainly for bunnies and possibly the odd hare. The ground I would be on would be quite rough. What would be best half and half or 3/4. Also is there any advantage having a hitch over a dog? Thanks Brewman
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