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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Thanks Jonah, I saw on a site that the King Charles were made Victorinox I'll call them to find out and if so I'm sorted for the cleaver
  2. Evenin' folks, I'm looking at buying some butchers knives. I butchered a roe earlier on this year and am looking at doing the same with some lamb and more roe to fill the freezer up in the garage. I used my uncles knives but want to treat myself to my own. I was wondering if any one has heard of and/or used King Charles Chopper cleavers and Dolomiten INOX. I can't find any reviews for the King Charles but there seems to be plenty on amazon for the Dolomiten with mostly favourable reviews but I would prefer to know first hand off proper users Cheers Brewman
  3. How about the skin divers who go to dodgy depths with no apparatus. I read of one chap in a fhm type mag he could get his heart rate down to 8 bpm.
  4. Kunts taking liberties while you were inside at least you got your dog back, doesn't happen very often. I like those pressas' and ypur pup looks a fcuking good cross. Got 2 horrible fookers as guards but when they need replaced I'd for something like you have and maybe a d.h./Mali cross.
  5. Get that freezer full while you can!
  6. I have Lowa combat GTX and they are like slippers, they're great in the crap weather and will get a pair of the hunters next year when I can afford them.
  7. How about wee call him Thrush for short
  8. I disagree with you on 2 points: 1) You're not ignorant for your post 2) You're not prejudiced for your views. You were just being honest and not advocating violence against them. As somebody said before you hit the nail on the head.
  9. I second that, bought one off Matt earlier on in the year and it is a top class blade. These fieldcrafters are the pups privates. I will be availing of one of these in the future.
  10. Top class garden, I wouldn't mind the space to try and grow my own produce.
  11. Mention to your solicitor at the possibility of a malicious prosecution. If it was the ArsePCA see about putting in a complaint or an open letter to the local press. Their activities really get on my goat.
  12. "What goes around......." Deeds like that are far and few between but absolute class to hear about.
  13. Brewman


    Some newspaper did an article on it a few years ago, apparently before you could only download it by invitation by a member of the criminal world as it only hosted criminal enterprise related stuff.
  14. They couldn't even bother to wrap him up and leave him in a hospital somewhere. Fookin oxygen thieves. Should throw the parents in a septic tank....
  15. Yesterday in Newcastle the Law were top drawer. You could see it in their faces they were supportive of what was going on. The Tide is Changing. If its like before there'll be a few ex squaddies in the lower ranks of the police so while they might have seen the EDL as pains in the arse before I'm sure their opinions have changed over the murder of Drummer Rigby. Im not sure who said it about keeping the protests peaceful but angry but do that and everyone will notice, they'll have to. Good work keep it up.
  16. There was definitively more than 1500, maybe 1501 lol. You could easily see several thousand on the ground, good turnout What's the attitude like from the average copper when on the marches?
  17. What can she possibly be charged with for walking down the street with a f*****g flag, its acts of stupidity like this by the police that will make things even worse, should be 10 flags there today, 100 tomorrow and a 1000 the day after....Stand up and be counted before its too late They would try for Breach of the peace so basically to get her off side as not to "provoke" members of the muslim community etc etc. Not right I know but I would like to think she wouldn't get done. I bet they have plenty of contacts with the turkish gangs, they're muslims and they'll have plenty of firepower k
  18. Neither was Blair's, there all the same. Self serving self righteous clowns. (dangerous clowns)
  19. Brewman


    Appeasement is a wonderful thing except its gone tits up and gathering momentum. Soon the soft as shite politicians will lose any grasp on the situation and it will end up being put down and controlled by the common people. There won't be enough police to arrest and process and not enough courts, judges etc to deal with it. It'll get worse before it gets better, but it will happen.
  20. "Such gatherings imply that the British way of life is under threat" Would that possibly be because it is???
  21. Have fun, rather you than me hope it all goes according to plan for you.
  22. Hurry the fukc up and take the photo!
  23. Reported to facebook, dirty scummers.
  24. What an utter disgrace that he was suspended when he didnt even have a solid allegation against him. The fact that the complainant was anonymous and no evidence to back up a complaint is totally incredulous. Do the bellends who instigated this to appease the islamists not realise that they are infidels like the rest of us and are seen to be lower than dogs? Wankers !!!
  25. The point is politicians sent in young men and women to do work that they would never have the balls to do in this life or the next but will let hundreds die and then they start to talk to terrorists ; "Diplomacy is the only way, talking is for the good of the economy etc blah blah fcuking blah" Politicians = wankers That man(proper hero) is an inspiration and payed dearly to keep murdering scum over there so we can enjoy are freedoms. All the best to all who have family, relatives over there.
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